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142 <br />.2 MINING PERMIT (GEORGE INDYKIEWICZ <br />Mr. George Indykiewicz of 1920 Highway 96, New Brighton, Minnesota has <br />made application for a mining permit to remove top soil and use sand fill <br />on property consisting of what appears to be approximately 160 acres in <br />the northwest corner of Section 17 in the City of Hugo. The property in <br />question is zoned Agriculture and Conservancy and permits have been issued <br />in previous years regarding mining operations at this location. In <br />reviewing this application, we would note a number of inconsistencies in <br />Mr. Indykiewicz's application and our research: <br />1. In reviewing past permits, Mr. Indykiewicz has indicated that the <br />property in question is zoned agriculture while the city's zoning map <br />indicates nearly 75% of the site is zoned conservancy. <br />2. The proof of ownership provided was a quit claim deed while Mr. <br />Indykiewicz his proof of ownership was by warranty deed. <br />3. Mr. Indykiewicz has applied for the mining of top soil from the site <br />in question while the permits issued by the city indicated "upon <br />completion of excavation of any area, top soil shall be replaced and <br />the area seeded with a seed mixture approved by the city engineer." <br />4. Mr. Indykiewicz has indicated that the property in question is <br />approximately 160 acres in size while previous applications and <br />permits were issued for sites of 139 acres, 150 acres. and 155 acres. <br />The city engineer has indicated that Mr. Indykiewicz has operated a clean <br />operation, and has been in compliance with his previous permits. It is <br />his understanding that this operation is primarily intended for the <br />removal of top soil, and that once removed, the site has been graded and <br />seeded as per previous conditions. In an effort to deal with the issuance <br />of these mining permits somewhat consistently, we would recommend approval <br />of the mining permit specifically describing the site in question and add <br />a detailed description of the type of operation being conducted at this <br />site. Any additional recommendations of the city engineer should also be <br />incorporated into said permit. Mr. Kuusisto submitted a written report <br />indicating that Mr. Indykiewicz has been in compliance with previously <br />mandated requirements. An inspection of the site was made, and at this <br />time, only topsoil is being removed. <br />Peltier made motion, Vail seconded, to approve a Mining Permit for George <br />Indykiewicz to remove top soil and use sand fill on property located in <br />the northwest corner of Section 17, T31N, R21W, Washington County, <br />Minnesota in the City of Hugo, effective November 16, 1987, to terminate <br />November 1, 1988, a copy of which is on file at the office of the City <br />Clerk. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />OWN'S CREEK WMO REPORT <br />As per Council direction, Mr. Dave Truax was invited to appear before the <br />City Council to discuss and answer questions regarding the watershed <br />management plan prepared by the Brown's Creek organization. Mayor George <br />Atkinson raised a number of questions of concern regarding this <br />organization, and requested that the city administrator review his <br />comments/concerns. The city administrator stated that as per Council <br />