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1987.11.16 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.11.16 CC Minutes
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143 <br />direction a list of questions was conveyed to the Brown's Creek WMO on <br />November 4, 1987 in an effort to get clarification on numerous items in <br />Section V of the plan. The city received a response from the Washington <br />Soil and Water Conservation District on November 10, 1987 on behalf of <br />BCWMO regarding the questions raised by the city. The city's <br />representative to the BCWMO was present in the audience to answer any <br />questions the city had regarding the preliminary plan. The city <br />administrator noted that although the plan seems to imply that all <br />regulatory authority on water management issues shall exist at the local <br />level that the BCWMO also has review authority beyond the local community, <br />and has the power to revoke the local community's regulatory authority for <br />just cause. Mr. Truax stated that it was his feeling that the authority <br />of Brown's Creek was not as cited by the city administrator, but intended <br />to be more in an advisory capacity than an agency with regulatory <br />authority. He pointed out that city's will have total authority over <br />local waters while BCWMO will retain regulatory over certain waters of <br />district significance. The city administrator inquired as to whether or <br />not Brown's Creek had taxing authority for capital improvements and the <br />maintenance of capital improvements. Mr. Truax responded in the <br />affirmative. Mr. Huber stated that if the St. Croix River is beyond the <br />scope and authority of BCWMO then the reference to district -wide <br />assessment for regional waters should be eliminated from the plan. The <br />city administrator requested clarification on plan review and progress <br />reports required in the BCWMO plan. The city administrator also inquired <br />as to how adding Washington Soil and Water Conservation District review to <br />the process will expedite the process. Adding additional steps and new <br />review agencies to the process should extend the process not shorten it. <br />Mr. Huber also stated that the plan should be clear with regard to who has <br />regulatory authority over what waters. The plan seems to apply that BCWII10 <br />has the authority to make capital improvements and maintenance of same on <br />district waters, but it doesn't clearly speak to project review and <br />regulatory authority for development within a certain distance of district <br />waters. Mr. Huber also stated that he felt it important that BCWMO <br />identify the district waters specifically so that local agencies will know <br />exactly when to refer projects to the BCWMO for their review. He stated <br />that these waters should be identified before final plan approval. Mr. <br />Truax acknowledged the points raised by city staff and suggested that the <br />city, himself, and Mr. Doug Thomas meet for clarification on some of these <br />questions and direction for possible amendments to the plan. The city <br />administrator inquired as to whether or not BCWMO has approved the plan in <br />question. Mr. Truax responded in the negative. The City Council <br />expressed their concern regarding the items raised by the city staff and <br />directed Mr. Truax and the city administrator to meet with the Soil and <br />Water Conservation District, as well as BCWMO, to express the city's <br />concerns and make the necessary changes in the plan to clarify these <br />items. The city attorney commented that it does appear that the authority <br />of the BCWMO identified in the plan goes beyond the scope of the Joint <br />Powers Agreement entered into by the municipalities participating in the <br />formation of this organization. Mayor Atkinson stated that it is <br />important that cities keep regulatory authority at the local level, and <br />that the city did not intend to create an organization that had authority <br />to revokes the city's regulatory powers and order the cities to comply <br />with regulations established by the BCWMO. Mayor Atkinson stated that <br />once amendments are made to the plan as discussed this evening, this plan <br />should be brought back to the City Council for further review. <br />
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