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144 <br />QUOTES FOR SNOWPLOWING <br />The city has received two quotes for providing snowplowing service for the <br />City of Hugo. The Hugo Feed Mill has provided this service in the past <br />involving snowplowing at the lift stations and City Hall. The bid from <br />Tom Bernier also includes cleaning of the walks and doorways around City <br />Hall. This is a service that has not been provided in the past. The <br />quote from the Hugo Feed Mill is at a rate of $42.00/hour, and the bid <br />from Mr. Tom Bernier is at the rate of $40.00/hour. The city <br />administrator stated that both quotes seemed reasonable and they had no <br />personal preference regarding award of quote. <br />Atkinson made motion, Olson seconded, to contract with Tom Bernier for <br />snowplowing service for the City of Hugo at.a rate of $40.00/hour as per <br />his quotation. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, stated that David Schumann's attorney has <br />approached the city regarding a negotiation of a settlement in the pending <br />litigation between his client and the City of Hugo. Mayor Atkinson <br />authorized Mr. Huber to meet with Mr. Schumann's attorney and the city's <br />attorney regarding the litigation. <br />City Administrator, Ken Huber, will represent the City of Hugo at a <br />meeting on November 17, 1987 regarding the city's support for a Regional <br />Rail Authority in Washington County. <br />Mayor George Atkinson then requested the Council go into executive session <br />to discuss the personnel matter relating to the performance of the city <br />administrator after his first 12 months of employment with the city. <br />Representatives of the news media were afforded an opportunity to be in <br />attendance but declined acknowledging that the issue before the City <br />Council was a personnel matter. The City Council discussed at length the <br />performance of the city administrator over the last 12 month period. <br />Mayor Atkinson suggested an adjustment in the city administrator's fringe <br />benefit package to reward Mr. Huber for his performance after one year <br />with the city. The City Council discussed adjustments in health/dental <br />insurance, automobile allowance, payment of professional dues, and <br />providing the administrator with a computer for his personal use. It was <br />the general consensus of the Council that Section 10 of the <br />administrator's contract be amended by increasing the city's contribution <br />for health/dental insurance by $300.00 per year. The Council also agreed <br />to provide the city administrator with a computer and related equipment <br />for his personal use in an amount not to exceed $1475.00 with the <br />understanding that Mr. Huber may purchase said computer and related <br />equipment from the city for $1.00 at the time of his termination with the <br />city. The providing of said computer shall be lieu of an adjustment in <br />employee's salary as reflected in Section 4A of the contract. The City <br />Council then went out of executive session and upon unanimous consent of <br />the Council, Mayor Atkinson was directed to enter into an amendment of the <br />contract with the city administrator on behalf of the city providing for <br />an increase in health/dental insurance premiums paid by the city and <br />providing the city administrator with a computer for his personal use with <br />the option to purchase said computer for $1.00 at the time of termination <br />with the city. Said benefits become effective November 17, 1987. <br />