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1987.12.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1987 CC Minutes
1987.12.21 CC Minutes
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City Council
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15y <br />City Council meeting of 12/1/87 <br />Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, to appoint Bob Ellman to serve on <br />the Board of Zoning Adjustments and Appeals. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.3 120TH STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />Over a period of the last two years, the City of Hugo has discussed a <br />proposal to participate in the improvement of 120th Street from Highway 61 <br />to a point approximately one mile east. In 1985, the city indicated they <br />may be willing to participate if Ramsey County would finance the city's <br />share of the project over a specified period of time. This project did <br />not move forward at the time because of White Hear Township's failure to <br />work out an agreement that was acceptable to all parties. As a result of <br />recent negotiations between the city, White Bear Township, and Ramsey <br />County, the City Council discussed this matter earlier this year and <br />indicated informally a commitment to participate in this project if <br />acceptable financing arrangements could be worked out. The total <br />estimated cost of the city's participation at that time was $72,600. The <br />total estimated project cost is $530,300 with 75% of the project to be <br />funded by Ramsey County from their FAS account and the balance being <br />funded as a local share by White Bear Township and the City of Hugo. The <br />total assessable front footage of the improvement is 10,743 feet with <br />approximately 3,251 feet of assessable frontage in the City of Hugo. <br />Using a front footage benefit formula, the city's participation would be <br />for approximately 30.2% of the local share. White Bear Township has <br />reiterated its interest in financing the city's share of this cost subject <br />to agreeing on a repayment schedule acceptable to both the city and <br />township. For this project to move forward utilizing federal aid <br />secondary participation by Ramsey County, the city must make a formal <br />commitment to participate in said project. A resolution has been prepared <br />outlining our previous discussions and indicating the conditions of <br />participation by the city if this project is to proceed. <br />Potts made motion, Olson seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1987-66, RESOLUTION <br />AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN 120TH STREET PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />VOTING AYE: Potts, Olson, Vail, Atkinson <br />VOTING NAY: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />8.1 VARIANCE REQUEST (RICHARD VAIL) <br />Mr. Richard Vail has applied to the City for a variance to enlarge his <br />existing home to within 80' of Egg Lake. The required setback. is 100'. <br />Mr. Vail has indicated that an addition toward the lake is the only <br />direction he can go to expand his bedroom and living room. The DNR <br />required the applicant show proof of a hardship to encroach on the lake. <br />The Hugo Board of Zoning Adjustments recommended approval of the variance <br />subject to no additional building being located on site closer than 100' <br />from the lake based on the following findings of fact. <br />
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