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January 21, 1986 <br />The county will be making application at this time for the Bald Eagle bridge. The <br />Elmcrest bridge can be submitted later after an agreement is signed. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Schwab seconded, authorizing the City Engineer to <br />request Washington County to submit an application for funding for re- <br />placement of the brdige on the north end of Bald Eagle Lake, and for <br />him to prepare plans and specifications. Mr. Kuusisto to negotiate <br />an agreement with Lino Lakes, in cooperation with the City Attorney, <br />for the replacement of the bridge on our common border (Elmcrest Ave). <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Councilman Hauer will be in contact with Howard regarding the Kubitschek/Peterson <br />lots on Bald Eagle Lake. <br />5.2 Roger Schadt - Boy Scount Troop #151 <br />Mr. Schadt was present to express concerns his Scout Troop has over the recent <br />mailing sent by the Forest Lakes Area Recycling Center. Hugo's largest fund- <br />raiser is the paper drive, and they feel people are going to be confused because <br />of the card inserted in the mailing identifying another Boy Scout troop. <br />Mayor McAllister assured Mr. Schadt that Hugo would support Hugo's troop if they <br />came in with some kind of plan for a "recycling" center. The Council was agree- <br />able to holding a special meeting to discuss their plans, and figure out how to <br />have it implemented. <br />HUGO LIONS CLUB <br />The Lions Club would like to conduct a radar run on Egg Lake, February 9. This <br />matter was to be discussed at the last PC meeting, but no meeting was held for <br />lack of a quorum. Because they need a commitment to go ahead with their plans, <br />o it is necessary for the Council to consider their request this evening. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Hauer seconded, to grant a SUP to Hugo Lions <br />Club to conduct a radar run on Egg Lake on February 9, 1986, subject <br />to the following conditions: <br />1. The club contact Scott Malinowsky, Washington County Sheriff's <br />Dept., and, if necessary, obtain a permit. <br />2. Provide evidence of liability insurance. <br />3. Reimburse the city one-half the cost of an off-duty peace officer. <br />4. Fee for SUP is waived. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, that the City of Hugo hire on <br />its payroll, an office of the Washington County Sheriff's Office, to <br />police the radar run to be held on February 9. The office will be <br />covered by the city's insurance for workman's comp and vehicle. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor McAllister discussed the availability of gambling operations within the city's <br />liquor establishments. He felt the city should possibly consider previous appli- <br />cations should the local organizations express interest in the near future. <br />