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14' <br />February 3, 1986 <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Hauer seconded, that the City of Hugo send a follow-up <br />letter to Fred Espe, White Bear Softball Coordinator, to have the White <br />Bear Recreation Department give the Ricci's softball team request serious <br />consideration and allow them use of the city's field one night a week. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />6.4 Fire Chief - No discussion <br />F_r, r1Prk <br />Senator Durenberger's office will have representatives at Hugo City Hall on Wednesday, <br />February 19, from 9:00 AM until 11:30 AM., to answer questions for area residents. <br />Kuusisto submitted a report on the possible water hookup at the Fred Fulbright <br />house. The Council should review the report, as this matter will be discussed at <br />the Council meeting of 2/18/86. <br />7.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - No discussion <br />8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Mayor McAllister requested Councilman Potts meet with Bruce Bernin and the people <br />in the area that have attended past meetings (Oneka Lake water problem), to try <br />and raise money to help pay costs that have been/will occur relative to the pro- <br />ject. McAllister will continue to work with Attorney Johnson toward condemnation <br />process. <br />The Clerk is instructed to write a letter of "thanks" to Dr. Mayer for his time <br />spent here this evening. <br />CITY MANAGER/COORDINATOR/ADMINISTRATOR <br />The select committee presented their report and long discussion ensued regarding <br />the report. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Hauer seconded, that the City of Hugo will accept <br />this report and will explore further the feasibility of a newly created <br />City position. <br />VOTING FOR: Hauer, Peltier, Potts, Schwab <br />ABSTAINED: McAllister <br />Motion Carried. <br />Charles Schwab, speaking for the committee, stated that they have decided to <br />go no further in the process, and a new committee be formed: LuAnn Prachar, <br />Ken Lorch, Bill Hanson, and Art Potts. They also suggested compensating the new <br />members as well as Howard Kuusisto for his time. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, that LuAnn Prachar, Ken Lorch, <br />Bill Hanson, and Art Potts be appointed to serve on a commAtee to further <br />determine whether the City should hire an "outside person" to serve as <br />City Manager,Coordinator/Administrator. <br />Councilman Hauer inquired as to the propriety of asking these people whether they <br />were interested in serving on such a committee. <br />Councilman Schwab rescinded his motion. <br />