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27 <br />March 3, 1986 <br />6.5 Clerk <br />MOTION: Motion by Schwab, second by Peltier, to hold additonal regular <br />meeting commencing at 6:00 PM on March 17, 1986 to review audit report. <br />Hauer nay, motion carried. <br />MOTION: Motion by Peltier, second by Schwab to designate February <br />17, 1986 as the staff floating holiday as set forth in the personnel <br />policy. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />7.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - none <br />8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Mr. Potts stated he had talked to Mr. Bernin about the Oneka Lake <br />problem and council should direct City Attorney Johnson to move on this <br />or proceed to court. This is in reference to 1984-36 - Oneka Lake Water <br />Problem. Mr. Potts requested the minutes to show that a discussion <br />was held on the Zalusky matter and he (Councilman Potts) wants Charles <br />Johnson to be present at the next meeting and be prepared to give the <br />Council a date that some form of action will take place on the Oneka <br />matter. Several homeowners on Oneka Lake were in attendance and would <br />like to be heard on this matter at the March 17th meeting. <br />9.0 NEW BUSINESS <br />Mr. Melvin Stolzman of 6631 - 177th Street appeared before council <br />stating there were two and possibly three tractor -trailers parked in <br />front of 6761 - 177th Street. Council consensus was to go out and look <br />at area and discuss matter at next meeting. Clerk is to find out the <br />name of party residing there and invite them to next meeting for dis- <br />cussion under unfinished business. <br />Mr. Potts informed council a meeting will be held on March 6, 1986 at <br />7:00 PM in City Hall to discuss the position of City Manager/Administrator. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Potts second to adjourn meeting at <br />8:15 PM. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />Lu P achar, Recording Secretary <br />City of Hugo <br />