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1986.03.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1986 CC Minutes
1986.03.17 CC Minutes
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31 <br />March 17, 1986 <br />Mr. Hasselbeck was informed that he had until May 31, 1986 to remove the trailer <br />from the LaMetti property. <br />Richard Granger - 2nd Amendment to Development Agreement <br />Mr. Granger is requesting the Development Agreement for Lake Air Estates be amended <br />for the 2nd time to allow for the construction of homes on his lots without prior <br />payment of the assessments. Birchwood Builders' current Letter of Credit would be <br />security in the event of any financial failure. <br />MO`T'ION: Hauer made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the 2nd amendment to the <br />Development Agreement for Lake Air Estates (Birchwood Builders) subject <br />to the amending of the current Letter of Credit. Amendment to be dated <br />3/17/86, and the Mayor is authorized to sign the amendment. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.4 David Schumann - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Schumann has made application to operate an auto dismantling yard at his resi- <br />dence at 7630 137th Street. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and <br />recommended denial of the application. The city received letters from property <br />owners Margaret Waller and Howard Schletty indicating their support for Mr. Schumann. <br />Councilman Schwab presented a synopsis of previous actions for the Schumann pro- <br />perty. It was determined that a SUP was never finalized, and according to David <br />Schumann's testimony, the business lapsed for an extensive period of time. There <br />was also discussion that if the permit had been issued, that at this time, it <br />no longer exists. Councilman Potts felt this type of use is incompatible with <br />the existing residential use. Mr. Schumann stated that he was willing to cooperate <br />to the fullest extend and comply with any conditions mandated in order to keep <br />his livelihood. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, to grant a Special Use Permit to David <br />Schumann for an auto dismantling yard on his property with the following <br />conditions: <br />1. All auto dismantling to be done inside building. <br />2. Number of cars to be parked shall be limited to 200. <br />3. Applicant to plant trees and shrubs around the area where cars are <br />to be parked. Planting to be completed by June 1, 1986. <br />4. Applicant shall haul away any extra iron and debris by June 1, 1986. <br />5. No cars shall be parked any where accept on acrd where he has specified. <br />6. Applicant to post a letter of credit to assure trees and shrubs are planted. <br />7. Area to be inspected by September 1, 1986 to make sure trees and shrubs <br />are planted and area cleaned up. <br />MO'T'ION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, amending previous motion that if ori- <br />ginal passes, applicant will obtain the necessary permits from RCWD. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Potts seconded, 2nd amendment that an additional con- <br />dition be added for the installation of test wells on the property to <br />monitor the quality of groundwater. Results of tests to be submitted to <br />the city by January 1st of each year. <br />VOTE ON 2ND AvENDMENT: <br />FOR: Hauer, Potts, Schwab, McAllister <br />AGAINST: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />
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