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32 <br />March 19, 1986 <br />VOTE ON 1ST AMENDMENT: <br />FOR: Hauer, Peltier, Potts, Schwab, McAllister <br />Motion Carried. <br />ORIGINAL MOTION: <br />FOR: Peltier <br />AGAINST: Hauer, Potts, Schwab, McAllister <br />Motion Failed. <br />Mr. Schumann will have until the Fall of 1986 in which to clear his property <br />from all junked cars and debris. <br />5.5 Disc on trailer/tractor parked at 6761 177th Street <br />Mr. & Mrs. Anafarta were requested to appear at tonight's meeting to discuss <br />parking of vehicles at their residence. They were unable to be at this meeting <br />and will be requested to appear 4/7 at 7:45 PM. Lisa Sampson, 6560 177th Street, <br />was present to discuss this matter, and stated that they own a tractor/trailer <br />and park it at their residence at 6560 177th Street. She also mentioned the <br />current lawsuite, and does n( -,t feel there are any ordinances prohibiting them. <br />5.6 Garry Boyer - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Boyer, owner of 1.7 acres at 9195 122nd Street, has applied for a SUP to <br />construct a 24 x 50 building on his property to be used for the storage of <br />cars. Boyer stated that the cars are licensed by LB Sales, Inc. The building <br />would be attached to the existing garage (to the south), and would be constructed <br />of like material as the house. Mr. Boyer amended the application to read <br />interior storage only. Councilman Schwab stated he would like to see a more <br />detailed site plan of what the new building would look like after construction. <br />Councilman Potts questioned whether this use was allowed because of the commercial <br />nature of the business. He also mentioned the fact that the lot was substantially <br />substandard for the AG zone. <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Schwab seconded, to deny the request of Garry Boyer <br />for construction of a 24 x 50 building on his property for the storage <br />of cars because these cars to be stored are licensed in another com- <br />pany's name. Therefore, said storage is not incidental to the principal use. <br />VOTING FOR: Potts, Schwab, McAllister <br />VOTING AGAINST: Hauer, Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />5.7 Vern Peloquin - Subdivision <br />Mr. Peloquin has made application to divide 5.8 acres of land for the sale to <br />the Twin Pine Trailer Park. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the <br />division with a full hardshell requirement. Mayor McAllister mentioned the park- <br />land dedication requirement, and that if it is anticipated that the land will <br />not be further subdivided, a hardshell would be required. Councilman Potts stated <br />that he did not see the necessity for a hardshell. <br />