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42 April 7, 1986 <br />The Fire Chief listed FD needs that he will need authorization for the expenditure <br />of funds: pager and case P20.00), fire training ($230.00), and printed manuals <br />($125.00) . <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Potts seconded, to authorize the Fire Chief to make <br />the above mentioned expenditures, in an amount not to exceed $600.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The chief is to investigate further the cost to replace/eFires on #7 truck. <br />The chief stated that Dan Tauer's leave of absence has expired, and Bob Christian- <br />son will be moving out of the city. Mayor McAllister suggested that Ron obtain <br />something in writing from these people. <br />Councilman Hauer "volunteered" to serve as the Council's liaison to the FD. <br />5.2 Neil Peltier - Outlot "A" <br />Mr. Peltier, part owner in the lot located at 141st and Highway 61, is looking <br />for assurance from the city that this is a buildable lot. The owners are not <br />sure whether there will be any building activity in one year or 10 years. <br />The city engineer feels that some fill would be required and Peltier did not <br />feel any more would be required as they filled the lot in 1976. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Potts seconded, that the City write a letter <br />to Bonnie Torpe, RC'WD, informing them that the City is looking favorably <br />to issuing a SUP to Neil Peltier to create a buildable lot in the flood- <br />plain. Mr. Peltier is to obtain a permit from the RCWD and their re- <br />quirements so the Council can review prior to the issuance of the SUP. <br />VOTING FOR: Hauer, Potts, Schwab, McAllister <br />VO'T'ING AGAINST: Peltier <br />Motion Carried. <br />5.3 Cvril LaCasse - Subdivision <br />Charlie LaCAsse, representing the fee owner, was present and stated that no cer- <br />tificate of survey has been obtained as yet. Wanted to wait for Council recommenda- <br />tion prior to any work being done. The LaCasse's are dividing approximately <br />37 acres into 3 separate parcels. The Council has no problem with the layout <br />submitted by LaCasse, but wanted Kuusisto to review the land and comment on drainage <br />of the property. Charlie LaCasse stated that he will pay any engineering costs <br />incurred as a result of Kuusisto's inspection. This matter will be reviewed at <br />a later date. <br />5.4 Parking of tractor/trailer (6761 177th Street) <br />Melvin Stoltzman, 6631 177th Street, stated that he does not want to live next <br />to a trucking business. He stated that he has seen two trailers parked in front <br />of the Anafarta residence. Mr. Anafarta stated that it was only a one-time occa- <br />sion, and agreed to not have more than one commercial vehicle parked at his <br />residence at one time. Anafarta stated that he owns two trucks, and that on <br />several occasions he has brought them home loaded. <br />