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52 May 5, 1986 <br />5.4 John Bergman - Subdivision <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, to table this matter until the meeting <br />of May 19, 1986. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.5 Wayne Bjorum - Rezoning <br />Mr. Bjorum, 12515 Keller, would like to rezone 20A from Conservancy to Agriculture. <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the appli- <br />cation. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1986-230, AN <br />ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE BY CHANGING THE ZONING <br />CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />VOTING FOR: Peltier, Potts, Schwab, McAllister <br />VO'T'ING AGAINST: Hauer <br />Motion Carried. <br />5.6 John Hasselbeck - Site Plan Approval <br />Mr. Hasselbeck, representing LaMetti & Sons, was present to discuss the applica- <br />tion for the storage of temporary buildings on their property. Their plans are <br />for the construction of 6,000 to 7,000 office building at which time an ASUP will <br />need to be applied for. The city now has on file a site plan as to how the pro- <br />perty now exists. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for LaMetti <br />and Sons according to the plan dated 3/3/86. Approval is subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />1. The current configuation of the building not be changed without an <br />ASUP with the exception of the small building connected to the shop <br />and the tool shed. <br />2. For the other five buildings, this permit shall be in effect for <br />only two years or until the proposed office is ready for occupancy. <br />3. No further expansion without an amendment. <br />4. None of the buildings shall be used for residential use. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.7 Harlee Anderson - Resubdivision <br />Mr. Anderson, 12203 Fiona, is prgoosing the resubdivision of approximately 22.8A <br />from two lots into 3 parcels. The Council would like to discuss this application <br />and recommended tabling matter. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, to table the application until May 19 <br />so the applicant can be present to discuss the condition of roads sur- <br />rounding the proposed subdivision. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />