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August 18, 1986 <br />5.5 Bob Bramstedt - Rezoning and Special Use Permit <br />95 <br />Mr. Bramstedt and his partner, Tom Connelly, were to discuss their proposal to rezone <br />approximately 22 acres from AG to RB. The property abuts the RB district to the east <br />of another parcel to be purchased. The property is to be used for retail sale, repair, <br />and interior/exterior storage. Ultimately, the owners are planning on the con- <br />struction of a 60 x 200 building for these uses. Kuusisto made an on-site inspection <br />of the Existing septic system, and it appears to be adequate for the number of employees <br />in the business. If the business should grow, an expension of the existing system <br />would be needed. Mr. Bramstedt stated that they contacted Washington County to have <br />their two parcels combined, and the Council and attorney questioned whether this <br />could be done at that level. Mayor McAllister felt that Bramstedt would need to <br />apply for resubdivision. The Council touched lightly on what type of screening <br />and its location for exterior storage. It was determined that this matter could <br />be addressed at the time of application for Site Plan Approval. <br />MO'T'ION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1986-235, AN ORDI- <br />NANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "ZONING" BY <br />AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />Mr. Bramstedt stated that he has a deadline until October 1 in which to get his <br />building started so that he can make use of the winter storage season. Bramstedt <br />was informed of the items required for Site Plan Approval in the RB district, <br />and was told to complete the necessary paperwork, and make application for his <br />Building Permit. The Council discussed the requirement for screening of the <br />exterior storage and it was the consensus that fencing would be preferred instead <br />of screening with trees. Also required - letter or permit from RCWD, blacktop <br />parking lot, and subject to annual review. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Building Inspector be <br />directed to inspect the building plans from Bob Bramstedt and have the <br />permit availabe the evening of September 2, 1986, if the City Council <br />votes to approve the SUP and Site Plan. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.6 Keith Harstad - Sketch Plan Approval <br />John Johnson, Merila and Assoc., and Dick Widell, Harstad and Assoc., were present <br />to discuss the sketch plan and answer any questions. Harstad is proposing the <br />development of 48 lots, including the previously approved nine lots, to be known <br />as Hugo Meadows. The plan included three holding ponds to handle runoff from the <br />property, and not place a burden on the ditch to the south. Warren Arcand was <br />present and stated that the ditch was already too high, and felt the development <br />would have a further negative impact. Mr. Johnson said that that was the reason <br />for the holding ponds. McAllister suggested Mr. Arcand keep in touch with the RCWD <br />and express his concerns to them, as Hugo is not in the water management business. <br />There was discussion on the easements along the holding ponds and who would regu- <br />late and maintain the waterways. Parkland dedication, whether to have money allocated <br />or retain parkland, was discussed. It was the consensus of the Council that the <br />receive land, develop the park, but also reserve the right to require money in the <br />event the plans for a park did not materialize. The Council decided to leave the <br />