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October 27, 1986 <br />The Fire Chief received a letter from Martin Schwartz requesting a leave of absence <br />for 6 months because of his present work schedule (5 PM to 1:00 AM). Because of <br />Marty's good work record, the Fire Chief recommended that the City not accept the <br />his letter. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City Clerk write a <br />letter to Martin Schwartz advising him that the City is aware of his <br />unusual work hours, and that the City rejects his request for a leave <br />of absence so long as his time spent in the FD satisfies the Fire Chief <br />thereby satisfying the City Council. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The City received a letter from the Hugo Postmaster regarding identification of <br />house numbers on mailboxes. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to schedule an additional <br />regular meeting of November 17, 1986, at 6:15 PM, to watch the above <br />referenced movie. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Fire Chief inquired about using the new grassfire rig for certain fire and <br />rescue calls. Let the record show that it is the consensus of the City Council <br />that the newly purchased pickup truck may be used by officers as an advance <br />tactical vehicle. <br />5.2 Marty Wegleitner - Subdivision <br />Mr. Wegleitner is proposing the division of his property into three (3) parcels <br />with the sale of one lot at the present time. An easement has been provided <br />to provide access to Parcel A. Attorney Johnson will draft a maintenance agree- <br />ment that will need to be recorded. Mayor McAllister clarified to Mr. Wegleitner <br />what the city accepts as proof of ownership, and a copy of an abstract does not <br />qualify. He will need to provide a letter from an attorney or an abstract company <br />stating the fee owner of the property to be divided. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Potts seconded, to approve the subdivision request <br />of Martin Wegleitner to divide property into two (2) parcels A and B <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Receipt of an updated certificate of survey with exact boundaries. <br />2. The access easement be drafted and recorded at Washington County. <br />Construction and maintenance of the road (easement) and cul-de-sac <br />will be done by the buyer and seller. <br />3. Applicant to provide an acceptable proof -of -ownership. <br />4. Martin Wegleitner to sign agreement for roadway maintenance as drafted <br />by Charles Johnson. <br />5. Payment of $200.00 parkland dedication. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.3 McCullough/Gustafson - Rezonin <br />Mr. Burch Gustafson, owner of Con=o, a garment manufacturing business, is interested <br />in purchasing the McCullough property along Highway 61 (Midwest Seeder) so that he <br />can move his business to Hugo. The property would need to be rezoned from RB to Ind. <br />