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1,,2 7' November 3, 1986 <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1986-25, <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLAN OF BOY SCOUT 151 AS ZNE ESTABLISHED <br />RECYLCING CEN'T'ER ;bR THE CITY OF HUGO AND ASK WASHINGTON COUNTY TO <br />SUBMIT ANY RECYCLING MONEY DIRECTLY TO HUGO. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Parks Commissioner, Charles Schwab, discussed the use pf Park Fund money to <br />be used at the Hugo Youth Center for the establishment of a soccer field. <br />Mayor McAllister stated that he will have Charles Shalander talk to MinnDOT <br />regarding the placement of a directional sign to the youth and recycling center. <br />BOARD OF CANVASS <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to schedule an additional <br />regular meeting of the City Council for Board of Canvass, on 11/5/86, <br />at 5:00 PM, Hugo City Hall, and any other appropriate city business. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Parks Commissioner, Schwab, discussed the possibility of spreading ag-lime on <br />the city's two ballfields this fall. The cost would be approximately $850.00 <br />for the fields and would be spread by the White Bear School District's maint- <br />enance crew. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Hauer seconded, to authorize the Parks Ca unis- <br />sioner to order limerock for the city's ballfields from the school <br />district. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FIRE CHIEF <br />Ron Istvanovich stated that the tarp for hoses was stolen along with a fire ex- <br />tinguisher and three new helmets. He would liketo construct a new entryway for <br />the rear fire door. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, authorizing the Fire Chief to <br />construct a covered entryway to the rear door of the Fire Hall. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Potts seconded, that the Sheriff, Clerk, and <br />Fire Chief offer up to $25.00 reward for name of individual/s who stole <br />the tarp for hoses on the fixe truck. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MO'T'ION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, to adjourn at 8:35 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MarVqHugo <br />reager, City Cler <br />Cit <br />