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/q/ <br />December 15, 1986 <br />9.0 ATTORNEY AND ENGINEER <br />Messrs. Johnson and Kuusisto submitted their monthly reports. <br />Mr. Johnson reaffirmed that a copy of Resolution 1986-26 (adopted findings and <br />reasons) was forwarded to the counsel for the WBR&GC. <br />The Council discussed the Arnold Palme subdivision (Palmes Long Lake Estates) <br />regarding requirements for road construction. He was to place 4" of limerock <br />in 1986 and 2" more in 1987 then covered with blacktop. Kuusisto reported that <br />the proposed road has been rough graded and vegetation removed. Mr. Huber stated <br />that the City has received an application for a building permit for construction <br />on Lot 4, Block 2. McAllister stated that he had no problem with the application <br />seeing as the lot was located off County Road 10. Potts concurred with this, but <br />Schwab, Peltier, and Hauer felt that no permits should be issued until the plat <br />is complete. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Potts seconded, authorizing the City Administrator <br />to instruct the Building Inspector to issue a Building Permit for Lot 4, <br />Block 2, Palmes Long Lake Estates exiting on County Road 10. <br />VOTING FOR: Potts, McAllister <br />VO`T'ING NAY: Hauer, Peltier, Schwab <br />Motion Failed. <br />i"OTION: Peltier made motion, Potts seconded, to adjourn at 8:05 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary Creager, CityFCk <br />Cityf Hugo <br />