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25 <br />March 18, 1985 <br />5.9 Texan Bar - Licenses <br />Mr. Johnson has reviewed the articles of incorporation of Will Harris Investments, <br />Inc showing Mr. Harris sole stockholder of corporation. Certificate of occupancy <br />has not been issued as of this date. Mr. Harris has received the Washington <br />County Health license. Mayor asked Mr. Harris if Donald Bumgarner was a partner <br />or held any interest in this establishment? Mr. Harris stated Mr. Bumgarner <br />holds no interest at all in this corporation. Motion by McAllister, second by <br />Potts to grant an On -Sale Intoxicating liquor license, Off -Sale Intoxicating <br />liquor license and Sunday On -Sale Intoxicating liquor license to Wilber <br />Harris Investments, Inc., dba Texan Bar, subject to the following: <br />(1) the applicant will meet all conditions of the Special Use Permit; <br />(2) the applicant will notify the City of Hugo in writing prior to the <br />transfer of any stock in the corporation; <br />(3) licenses will not be signed by the Mayor and Clerk until the Certificate <br />of occupancy is issued by the building inspector; <br />(4) the licenses will not be signed by the Mayor and Clerk until authorization <br />by the city attorney; <br />(5) occupancy of the second story as apartments shall be grounds for revocation <br />of licenses, <br />motion carried. <br />7.0 Unfinished business <br />Discussion was held on the Public Officials Liability policy now held by the <br />City of Hugo. Mr. Johnson will be reviewing policy and clerk is to contact <br />insurance companies to see if they offer such a policy and report at future meeting. <br />Mayor advised council that the Physical Development Committee has approved the <br />City of Hugo Comprehensive Plan and are awaiting the approval by the full <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />The matter of 120th upgrading was tabled until next meeting. <br />Mayor advised Joe McMahon has resigned as fire chief and in the interim, the <br />first and second assistant chiefs, mayor and acting mayor are in charge. <br />8.0 New Business <br />Mr. Potts advised council on information he has received concerning solid waste <br />management. He suggested a meeting be set up between Mr. Sparks, representative <br />of the Boy Scouts, Lions Club, Legion Club and council to discuss matter. <br />9.0 Attorney and Engineer <br />Mr. Johnson reviewed his monthly report. <br />Motion by Peltier, second by Hauer to adjourn meeting, motion carried. Meeting <br />adjourned at 9:42 PM. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Luchar, Bookkeeper <br />