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38 May 6, 1985 <br />Fire Chief - cont. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Hauer seconded, to accept the application of Bob <br />Christianson for membership on the Hugo Fire Department. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Christianson will be on one year probation, and will be required to have <br />another physical. <br />Another matter discussed: <br />Key for clerk's office - McAllister stated that the Council would have to con- <br />sider the request, as the office has always been considered "private". <br />Increase salary of department officers ($6.00 to 7.00) - the budget for 1985 did <br />not address an increase in salary. Could be a reconvendation of the review com- <br />mittee. <br />Cadet program for 13 - 18 year olds - trained similarly to present fire program. <br />Ken Granger will investigate the insurange aspect of the program. Stated that <br />he would work with Ron on this matter. <br />Leonard Charpentier is working on amending of by-laws. Will submit a draft of <br />the present laws along with a revised copy. Councilman Schwab should sit in on <br />meetings as liaison from the Council. <br />5.2 Earl Morelli - Residential Addition in CB District <br />Mr. Morelli, 14645 Forest Boulevard, would like to raise and change the line of <br />his roof on a residence located in the CB district. After review of the plan, <br />it was the concensus of the City Council that a building permit can be issued. <br />5.3 Harlee Anderson - Construction of 2 residenceson one lot <br />Mr. Anderson, 12203 Fiona, is seeking authorization to construct another resi- <br />dence on his property. After construction is completed and the house is ready <br />to be occupied, the old house will either be moved out or torn down. The new <br />house will use the present well and septic system. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Potts seconded, to issue a Special Use Permit to <br />Harlee Anderson, 12203 Fiona, to construct an additional residence on <br />one parcel (93032-2560). Approval is subject to the following: <br />1. Old residence will be removed by December 31, 1986. <br />2. Mr. Anderson to post an acceptable Letter of Credit, in the amount <br />of $3,000.00, to guarantee removable of old residence by 12/31/86. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.4 Elsie Jasinski - Land Division <br />Peter Kluegel, septic system inspector, approved the perc tests submitted for par- <br />cels to be divided. <br />