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June 3, 1985 51 <br />5.2 Bald Eagle Sportsman Assn. - Amended Special Use Permit (Public Hearing) <br />The public hearing to consider the proposed changes in the BESA Special Use Permit <br />was called to order at 7:30 PM. <br />Ken Lorch, 13608 Homestead Avenue, submitted a letter to the Council regarding what <br />he perceives to be an increase in the noise since 1984. His letter, on file at <br />City Hall, also addresses changes in the entire operation that he would like to have <br />implemented by 1990. <br />Dick Houde, 7695 137th Street, stated that he had written letter of complaint rela- <br />tive to noise from the club, in both 1984 and 1985. <br />Jim Osiecki, 23135 Ethan Court, questioned Mr. Lorch's statrent regarding the level <br />of sound he hears at his residence located two miles from the club. <br />Grace Axelson, 12317 Goodview Avenue, stated that she has lived next to the club for <br />28 years, and has been bothered by the noise since it start operating. She would <br />like to see the club phased out in the near future. <br />Mike Prokosch, 1501 Highway 96, stated that the club has been trap shooting since <br />1971, and does not know why the residents seem to be bothered more in the last two <br />years. Also, he stated that there would be no way the club could meet 40 decibels <br />at the club's property line. Although they are doing whatever they can to try to <br />appease the neighboring property owners, they have certain limitations. <br />Bob Oswald, 14081 Hyde Avenue, asked if the club had changed their direction of <br />shooting, and they replied "no". <br />Brad Carpenter, 12821 Goodview, stated that the noise, and frequency of noise, has <br />been increasing. <br />Dave Holm, 6460 125th Street, stated that he was unfamiliar with the club's represen- <br />tatives present at the meeting, because of his dealings with Mr. Timm. He thought <br />everything was cleared when the neighbors worked out their compromise with the club. <br />The public hearing was closed at 8:00 PM. <br />The regular meeting was called back to order. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve the Amended Special Use <br />Permit for the Bald Eagle Sportsman Association, with the following changes <br />and additions: <br />1. Muzzleloaders will not be permitted to use the facility. <br />2. The BESA will absorb the cost to calcium chloride Goodview Avenue <br />approximately 8/10's mile. <br />3. The club will close Memor 1 Day weekend, Labor Day weekend, and the <br />week of the 4th of July. <br />4. The club will be opened one Sunday a month from the 2nd weekend in <br />April until the 1st weekend in October, and will be allowed two Sun- <br />days in October. <br />5. BESA will provide the names of three people responsible for main- <br />taining the rules of the club so that they can be contacted in case <br />of any rule infraction. The club will provide a copy of their <br />(continued) <br />