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53 <br />June 3, 1985 <br />5.6 Will Harris - Site Plan Approval <br />Mr. Harris had previously been given approval for the construction of a 24 x 32 pole <br />building on 30 acres adjoining the The Texan. Mr. Harris plans on installing two <br />softball fields, and possible some golf course, on the same property. A Special <br />Use Permit would be required for a semi -park and playground (320-4, 3C). Mayor <br />McAllister instructed Mr. Harris to prepare a site plan for the Planning Commission <br />of June 12 for application of a SUP. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that Mr. Harris's application <br />for Site Plan Approval be refunded ($10.00), and previous action by the <br />City Council be rescinded. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />10.0 MISCELLANEOUS <br />The city received a letter regarding the traffic hazard on the bridge located on <br />Bald Eagle Lake (129th Street). <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Peltier seconded, that Councilman Hauer will make arrange- <br />ments to have NO PARKING SIGNS installed on the south side of 129th Street <br />near the bridge. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the city send Mark Ann Creager <br />and Carole LaBelle to the Univerity of Minnesota continuing education center <br />for a fee of $470.00/total. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, to adjourn at 9:06 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />2 <br />MaryCreager, City Cl <br />Cit ?]Hugo <br />