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11 <br /> February 6, 1984 <br /> Brad Boucher - cont. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, that the Clerk send a letter to <br /> Russ Gagner asking that he appear before the Council at the meeting of <br /> February 21, 1984, 7:15 PM, to answer the allegation. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> The City received a complaint from Vern Peloquin stating that he is having problems <br /> with a dog allegedly owned by Brad Snell, 14927 Forest Blvd. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, that the Clerk send a letter to Brad <br /> Snell asking that he appear before the Council at the meeting of February 21 , <br /> 1984, 7:30 PM, to answer the allegation. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.6 Kevin Mann - Special Use Permit <br /> Kevin Mann was granted a SUP on October 3, 1983. However, Mr. Mann did not comply <br /> with the 60 day requirement (Item 1) . A SUP is required because an accessory <br /> building is being constructed prior to the principal structure. A Letter of Credit <br /> guaranteeing that Mr. Mann obtain a building permit for the residence, and satis- <br /> factory operation of a mound-type septic system. Proof of ownership will be <br /> submitted later. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve an Amended Special <br /> Use Permit for Kevin Mann to construct a 30 x 48 pole barn prior to the <br /> principal residence, and extending Item 1 of the original permit (60 days) <br /> until the last day in May. A 5th condition should be added to SUP re- <br /> quiring Mr. Mann to construct a mound septic system to the recommendations <br /> of the Building Inspector. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> ROBERT RICCI <br /> Mr. Felix Mannella, attorney for R & S Properties, submitted a letter requesting <br /> the establishment of a Board of Appeals to reconsider the 48' height requirement <br /> for the bedrooms in the multi-family dwelling moved into the city. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, that the City Council of the <br /> City of Hugo, under the authority of Chapter 40 of the Hugo City Code, <br /> form an advisory commission to the Board of Appeals (City Council) . The <br /> advisory commission shall hold one meeting and make a recommendation to <br /> the City Council on the application of R & S Properties for an alternate <br /> method of construction for the windows in the apartment building bedrooms <br /> and the handicap ramp. The membership of the commission shall be the <br /> following: <br /> 1. Howard Kuusisto - a duly registered civil engineer. <br /> 2. Gunner Petterson - certified and licensed by the State of Minnesota <br /> as a Building Inspector, and qualified to pass an opinion in this <br /> matter. <br /> 3. Gordon Vadnais, Fire Chief for the City of White Bear Lake, and qua- <br /> lified to address areas and issues of safety. <br />