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12 February 6, 1984 <br /> Ricci - cont. <br /> The Clerk's office shall provide the necessary clerical support and <br /> notify the official newspaper of the time and date of the meeting. <br /> The commission shall hold an open meeting and comply with Roberts <br /> Rules of Order. The commission shall cease to exist whenit has made <br /> its recommendation to the City Council as the Board of Appeals. Mr. <br /> Petterson shall be compensated at the rate of $35.00/hour, as charged <br /> by his company. Mr. Gordon Vadnais shall be compensated at a rate to <br /> be billed to us by the City of White Bear Lake, at a raterot to exceed <br /> $40.00/hour. <br /> Tom Crever, Building Inspector, stated that he would like to review the alter- <br /> nate plan and possibly eliminate the need for a Board of Appeals. <br /> Mayor McAllister withdrew his motion, and the matter to be placed on the agenda <br /> again, if necessary. <br /> The Council then addressed a letter received by the City stating that the a- <br /> partment building owned by R & S Properties is being occupied. Mr. Ricci has <br /> applied for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy with the Building Inspector. <br /> Mr. Crever stated that because tWbedrooms now in the building could be con- <br /> sidered a hazard, and there have final plumbing, heating, or electrical <br /> inspections, that he would recommend denial of the application. <br /> It was the recommendation of Mayor McAllister that because of the violation of <br /> the Building Code, that R & S Properties has 30 days frau February 7, 1984, <br /> in which to get the building vacated. The Building Inspector will be sent back <br /> to reinspect the building. If at that time the building is not vacated, the <br /> complaint will be directed to the criminal prosecuter for the City of Hugo. <br /> The City Council will set a public hearing to show cause why the Special Use <br /> Permit should not be suspended or revoked. The City of Hugo will draw on the <br /> Letter of Credit, and the financial guarantee will be used to force compliance <br /> with the Special Use permit which states the building will meet all city and <br /> state codes, including removal of the building from the City of Hugo. <br /> 5.3 Robert Ricci - Site Plan Approval <br /> Mr. Ricci, Ricci's Saloon, is proposing the an 11 x 24 drive-in addition to the <br /> east of his existing building. Because the building is located on a corner lot, <br /> a setback of 20' is required. The furthest proposed south wall would be con- <br /> structed 9' fran the property line. It was determined that the addition would <br /> not create a vision problem. The Building Inspector stated that he would re- <br /> quire more detailed plans for the kitchen and actual construction plans for the <br /> building. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for <br /> Robert Ricci for the construction of an 11 x 24 addition to Ricci's <br /> Saloon, subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Mr. Robert Ricci prepare a detailed set of blueprints for the <br /> Building Inspector, that meet all city and state codes prior to <br /> the Building Permit being issued. <br /> 2. Required Health Department review is completed. <br />