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15 February 21 , 1984 <br /> Robert McCullough - cont. <br /> to his obtaining a permit from the Rice Creek Watershed District. McCullough <br /> was present at the meeting and stated that it was his understanding that Site <br /> Plan Approval constituted authorization to construct the building. Mayor <br /> McAllister felt that the city could learn something from this incident, and <br /> should require a Letter of Credit to insure a Building Permit is obtained. <br /> After further discussion, it was determined that a statement from the applicant <br /> would be adequate. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Vail seconded, that the City double the Building <br /> Permit fee for Mr. Robert McCullough, and authorize the Building In- <br /> spector to issue said permit. The applicant is hereby notified that <br /> this in no way relieves him of the necessity to satisfy the requirements <br /> of the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Clerk's office be <br /> directed to provide a statement to each applicant for a Special Use <br /> Permit and Site Plan Approval, that they will sign, stating that they <br /> acknowledge that the granting of a SUP or a Site Plan does not, in any <br /> way, constitute a building permit within the City of Hugo. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.2 Russ Gagner - Complaint <br /> The city received a complaint from Mr. Brad Boucher alleging that Mr. Gagner's <br /> dog killed his valuable dog. Mr. Gagner was invited to appear before the Council <br /> to discuss the allegation. Gagner submitted his written comments to the Council <br /> this evening, and contends that his animals are not guilty. It was the hope <br /> of the Council that the involved parties resolve their problems without the in- <br /> volvement of the city. A copy of Mr. Gagner's comments is to be forwarded to <br /> the attention of Mr. Boucher. <br /> 5.4 Wil Harris/Don Bumgarner <br /> The above mentioned gentlemen were present to inquire if the Council had any ob- <br /> jection of the name of Don Bumgarner being on the On-Sale Liquor License along <br /> with that of Harris. Mayor McAllister stated that the application would be <br /> subject to a police check and would require a satisfactory report. McAllister <br /> reserved comment on the request subject to the police report. <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> No discussion. <br /> 7.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS • <br /> 7.1 Shoreland Management Controls <br /> The city will be sending a letter to Molly Comeau, DNR, requesting a 90 day ex- <br /> tension for our response to them as to the classification of the lakes in Hugo. <br /> Mrs. Peltier and the clerk will prepare a recommendation for submission to the <br /> Council at a later date. <br />