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30 April 16, 1984 <br /> MOrTION: Vail made motion, Schwab seconded, to approve the Utility Claims for <br /> April 16, 1984, as submitted. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.0 PETITIONS, REQUESTS, COLVFIUNICATIONS ,& LICENSES <br /> 5.1 Lawrence Hazel - Sale of Propertx <br /> Mr. Hazel would like to sell a piece of property lying to the west of his resi- <br /> dence at 7426 125th Street North. On 10/18/82 the Clerk signed a DEED OF <br /> DISTRIBUTION, for recording purposes, that created one parcel of land. This <br /> combination gave Mr. Hazel a 5.77 acre homesite and nullified the 2 acre, grand- <br /> father-in lot directly to his west. Someone is now interested in purchasing <br /> the 2 acre site. It was determined that because of the QQning of the property <br /> in question (RR2 and AG) , Mr. Hazel would need to rezone75FE in order to split <br /> his 5.77 acres. <br /> 5.2 Barry Stack - Land Division <br /> Mr. Stack, representing Donald Lucker, discussed the proposed division of 90 acres <br /> into 8 parcels consisting of approximately 10 acres. Soil and perc tests have <br /> been taken on each lot, as well as a topo map. A stormwater management plan <br /> has been prepared for all 160 acres owned by Mr. Lucker. A 66' easement has <br /> been reserved in the subdivision so as not to landlock any property to the <br /> east. Howard Kuusisto stated that a copy of the drainage plan has been for- <br /> warded to Washington County Highway Department for their comments, as Jeffrey <br /> Avenue is also a county road. There is a concern about the ponding at the <br /> northwest corner of the subdivision. McAllister stated that the City would <br /> require a permit from the Rice Creek Watershed District prior to any approval <br /> from the City for Land Division. The Council discussed the possibility of ac- <br /> quiring a parkland dedication for the subdivision, and determined it would be <br /> appropriate. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, that the City forward a letter <br /> to Mr. Barry Stack stating that the parkland dedication for the pro- <br /> posed subdivision of Donald Lucker will not exceed $100.00 per lot <br /> created. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.3 Kevin Mann - Disc on Site Plan Approval <br /> On October 3, 1983, Mr. Kevin Mann was granted a SUP for the construction of a <br /> 30 x 48 pole building. A variance was also approved for Mann to construct his <br /> building 10' from the property line to his west. A letter of consent was pro- <br /> vided from Mr. Art Munger, said property owner to the west. Mr. Mann pro- <br /> ceeded to construct his building approximately 5' from the property line, even <br /> though he was aware of the property line. Mr. Munger, also present at the <br /> meeting, stated that he did not want to make Mr. Mann move his building or <br /> sell him the necessary land to meet the setback requirement. He stated that he <br /> would live with the situation the way it presently exists. It was the opinion <br /> of Mayor McAllister that Mr. Mann should be required to move his building. The <br /> building has no cement floor, but the poles are cemented in. <br />