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56 <br /> July 2, 1984 <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to set a Special Meeting for <br /> July 16, 1984, at 6:00 PM, to meet with the Hugo businessmen and Richard <br /> Gessner, to discuss the clean-up of the city. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> The city received the resignation of Councilman Deane Vail, effective June 28, 1984. <br /> It was the concensus of the Mayor and Council to leave the chair for Ward I vacant <br /> until the city election in November. The winner of the election would be seated <br /> immediately rather than waiting until January 1. The Mayor requested that the <br /> Council be very conscientious about attending Council meeting until the vacancy <br /> can be filled. <br /> 9.0 NEW BUSINESS <br /> The Council discussed the placing of blacktop on 152nd Strect, an area of 40 x 80. <br /> The State of Minnesota has agreed to haul and install the material provided the <br /> city pay for it - approximately 120 tons/$2500.00. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, that the City send a letter to <br /> the State of Minnesota committing Hugo to purchase the blacktop to cover <br /> a 40 x 80 apron east of Highway 61 on 152nd Street, and indicate that <br /> we will pay for the material provided they will haul and install the <br /> blacktop. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 10.0 MISCELLANEOUS <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Clerk notify the Town <br /> of New Scandia that we accept the city's portion of $1382.64 for the <br /> regrading project on 180th Street and Keystone. <br /> All we. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to accept Mr. Francis Langer's pro- <br /> posal of $4.00/parcel, including mileage, to assess parcels in 1984 for <br /> taxes payable in 1985. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.1 Leroy McCullough - Minor Subdivision <br /> James Flannery, attorney for Mr. McCullough, was present requesting the city to sign <br /> the deeds for recording purposes, so that fee title can be transferred from McCullough <br /> to Curt Leibel. McCullough also has made application for variances to the 100' <br /> width requirement. The land is located in the Flood Plain, and there was a lengthy <br /> discussion as to whether the city can create an unbuildable lot, if indeed it would <br /> be considered unbuildable. The land owner would need a permit from the Rice Creek <br /> Watershed District, as well as a SUP from Hugo to construct in the Flood Plain. <br /> Attorney Flannery assured the Council that Mr. Leibel was aware of the requirements <br /> to make a buildable lot. It was the recommendation of the Mayor that Mr. Leibel <br /> come in and get copies of the Flood Plain Ordinance, and checklist for SUP. He <br /> should show what his plans are. When he obtains a Rice Creek permit, and after he <br /> goes to the Planning Commission, the city will consider an application for Minor <br /> Subdivision. The lot purchased by Robert McCullough may have to be added to his <br /> existing lot. <br />