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114 October 1, 1984 <br /> 5.2 Leroy McCullough - Minor Subdivision <br /> Mr. McCullough is proposing the division of approximately 2A into two parcels. <br /> A Certificate of Survey, as well as proof of ownership, was submitted for the <br /> record. Rice Creek Watershed had approved the plans of Curt Leibel, purchaser <br /> of one of the lots. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab, to approve the Minor Subdivision for <br /> Leroy McCullough, and the clerk be authorized to stamp the deed for <br /> recording purposes only. Stamping of the deed does not certify that <br /> the lot is buildable. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.3 Curt Leibel - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Leibel has applied for SUP to fill his lot purchased from Leroy McCullough <br /> along Highway 61. The lot is currently zoned RB. Mr. Leibel stated that he <br /> had installed a culvert under his driveway without a permit from the highway <br /> department. Bob McCullough, adjoining property owner, was present to complain <br /> about the amount of fill Leibel is placing on his property, which will leave <br /> his property approximately 4' lower than the Leibel property. He also noted <br /> the debris that is being placed on the lot, and provided pictures of the area. <br /> Mr. Leibel stated that he plans on constructing a building to store his masonry <br /> equipment and possibly an office. After review of the zoning ordinance, it was <br /> determined that Leibel would have to rezone to Industrial to accommodate his <br /> planned use of the property. It was at this time Mr. Leibel left the meeting <br /> not stating what his plans were for the property as to the zoning. There was no <br /> action taken on the application for a Special Use Permit. <br /> 5.4 Ron Cressman - Discussion of Old City Hall <br /> Mr. Cressman requested that the Council allow Hugo Troop 151 to lease the Old Town <br /> Hall for a "scout center". He stated that he has contacted a number of locals, and <br /> that they verbally committed their monetary and physical assistance to the project. <br /> He will soon be meeting with the Legion and Lions Club soliciting their support. <br /> Cressman stated that the scout troop would like to start repairs on the building <br /> before winter sets in. It was the overall concensus of the Council that the pro- <br /> ject would be good for Hugo, but prior to the city giving official approval, Mayor <br /> McAllister suggested that Mr. Cressman gather the interested parties and have them <br /> attend a Council meeting. Cressman stated that he would do just that, but at this <br /> time needstentative approval from the city when he approaches the Legion and Lions. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City of Hugo accept <br /> Ron Cressman's offer to paint the Old Town Hall. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.6 R & S Properties - Expiration of Letter of Credit <br /> mayor McAllister stated that all the conditbn of the Letter of Credit have been <br /> met at this time. Mr. Ricci is to be notified that the city expects that the <br /> dumpsters remain inside of the fenced area. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, that the Letter of Credit, in the <br /> amount of $25,000.00, to cover certain conditions at the multi-family <br /> dwelling at 5697 147th Street, be allowed to expire as all conditions <br /> have been met. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />