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27 April 4, 1983 <br /> The Council considered the Planning Commission minutes in this matter. Mayor <br /> McAllister commented that he had heard statements alleging that Mrs. Sempel had <br /> accused the Mayor of being opposed, or unsympathetic, to their problems. McAllister <br /> stated that he has voted affirmatively in all Safeway House Mover applications. <br /> He stated that he has no objection to the sale of the land along the blacktop road. <br /> However, if Safeway starts the sale of interior lots, they will be looking at ful- <br /> filling the requirements for full subdivision. The city will have no haphazard <br /> industrial development. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Minor Subdivision <br /> for Safeway House Movers for the sale of 1 acre, subject to review of the <br /> proof of ownership and the Certificate of Survey by the City Attorney. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT <br /> The city code allows 400 square feet for watchman quarters in the industrial zone. <br /> Safeway is requesting permission for a 10 x 50 trailer (500 sq ft) . Mayor McAllister <br /> stated that if we are looking at an increase in the square footage, the ordinance <br /> would have to be changed. McAllister went on record as being opposed to the addi- <br /> tional 10 feet. McAllister stated that the 400 sq ft does not have to be a trailer, <br /> but could be living space in a permanent structure. Mrs. Sempel stated that they <br /> have a 20 x 24 house located on their property and asked if they could use that. <br /> McAllister stated that if they partitioned 400 sq ft, reserving the 80 sq ft, they <br /> could use the house. Mrs. Sempel stated that she would no longer need the temr <br /> porary mobile home permit. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to refund the $10.00 application <br /> fee the a temporary mobile home permit to Safeway House Movers. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Amended Special <br /> Use Permit for Safeway House Movers to amend their original site plan and <br /> to allow a Minor Subdivision as indicated on the Certificate of Survey of <br /> Don C. Holt, indicated by Parcel A. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.2 Ron Istvanovich - Discussion on Burning Permits <br /> The Fire Chief was present, along with a representative from the DNR, to discuss <br /> ways to allow for the city to issue its own burning permits. The applications sent <br /> to PCA take too long to be returned to make the program successful. DNR is more <br /> restrictive than PCA, and the city was requested to comply with their requirements. <br /> Minnesota State Statute 88.02 through 88.22 was referenced. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, that a letter be signed by the Mayor, <br /> addressed to Minnesota PCA, requesting that Ron Istvanovich, Joe McMahon, <br /> and Glen Reimer, be designated as Fire Marshalls with permit authority. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />