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April 4, 1983 28 <br /> 5.3 Daniel Ford - Site Plan Approval <br /> Mr. Ford, 12424 Goodview Avenue, is requesting authorization to construct a 30 x 48 <br /> pole building for his personal use. His site plan meets the requirements for site <br /> plan approval. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Daniel Ford, <br /> 12424 Goodview Avenue, for the construction of a 30 x 48 pole building for <br /> his personal use. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.4 Steve Marier - Reserve City Ballfield <br /> Mr. Marier was present to request permission to reserve the city's ballfield for a <br /> softball tournament on April 30 and May 1. There would be no beer sold, and they <br /> anticipate 16 teams, maximum of 20. McAllister stated that they would need a uniformed, <br /> full-time, licensed police officer at the tournament, and a $150.00 deposit submitted <br /> to insure the grounds are cleaned after the tournament. Vail, Schwab, and Peltier did <br /> not feel a police officer would be required since no liquor would be sold. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City of Hugo authorizes Ricci <br /> Saloon's softball team to use the softball fields on April 30, 1983 and <br /> May 1, 1983 for a softball tournament, provided they furnish the city with <br /> a $150.00 deposit to insure park maintenance. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.5 Patrick Erickson - Reserve City Ballfield <br /> Mr. Erickson was present to request permission to reserve the ballfield for practices <br /> prior to the start of the season; specifically, Tuesday nights from 5:00 PM to dusk. <br /> Councilman Vail stated that the city has not reserved the field for such purposes - <br /> first come first serve basis. <br /> 5.6 Bill Fahey - Discussion on Bonds for Project 8102 <br /> Mr. Fahey, Ehlers and Associates, was present, along with Lu Prachar, to discuss the <br /> bonds for Project 8102, which expire October 1 , 1984. The original bonds were issued <br /> late 1981, 10 year assessment. The bonds were to be looked at after 3 years for <br /> ower interest rates. Mr. Fahey stated that the city has several options availabe. <br /> We could issue new bonds, with the financial assistance of "Uncle Sam". These are <br /> called advance refunding bonds. Mr. Fahey stated that he would like to submit an <br /> advance proposal to determine the feasibility as this time. However, it was Mr. Fahey's <br /> opinion that the city should wait 9 months prior to expiration before considering <br /> reissuance. McAllister stated that a meeting will be scheduled for the 2nd meeting <br /> in January, 1984. <br /> 6.0 REPORTS OF OFFICERS & CONNII'1TEES <br /> 6.1 Ordinance Committee - Work is continuing on the new subdivision ordinance. <br /> 6.2 Planning Commission <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to appoint Mr. George Atkinson to <br /> fill the unexpired term of George Knuteson, December 31 , 1984. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />