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May 16, 1983 45 <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt Ordinance 192, AN ORDINANCE <br /> AMENDING CHAPTER 320 ENTITLED ZONING. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.2 Vern Peloquin - Variance <br /> Attorney Johnson had not been able to get with Howard Kuusisto regarding this matter. <br /> It was McAllister's opinion that a culvert is required across the proposed Freeland <br /> Avenue to diminish any drainage problems. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, to approve the variance request of <br /> Vern Peloquin in that the City of Hugo will accept the proposed Freeland Avenue <br /> as a gravel road rather than the required blacktop for a public roadway, <br /> subject to the following: <br /> 1 . That the Hubbard Broadcasting Corporation amend their deed to conform <br /> with the proposed plat showing a public drainage way along the west side <br /> of Freeland Avenue. <br /> 2. That Mr. Vern Peloquin deposit with the city an amount equal with the <br /> actual cost as estimated by Washington County to install a culvert across <br /> proposed Freeland Avenue. <br /> 3. That Mr. Vern Peloquin pay the engineering charges to date for this appli- <br /> cation. <br /> McAllister withdrew his motion. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion allowing Vern Peloquin a culvert across Freeland Avenue <br /> according to the recommendations of Howard Kuusisto and after completion, <br /> accept the road. <br /> Motion died for lack of second. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, for approval of the application for <br /> variance to blacktop of a public roadway subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1 . That a culvert designed to transfer water from the east side of proposed <br /> Freeland Avenue to the west side of proposed Freeland Avenue be installed <br /> to the satisfaction of the city engineer, 60 days from today. <br /> 2. That the engineering charges for this application be paid to the clerk's <br /> office by the applicant. <br /> 3. That the KSTP deed by amended to reflect a proper drainage easement all <br /> the way to the south boundary of the property. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.5 Shackle/Stewart - Minor Subdivision <br /> Lee Stewart is proposing the division of one acre from a seven (7) acre parcel presently <br /> zoned SFE. McAllister stated that he would not be able to approve the Minor Subdi- <br /> vision of one (1) acre with an on-site system. Another matter to be discussed is access <br /> to the property via a private easement. The Council adjourned for an on-site inspection <br /> of the Stewart property. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, that the Shackle/Stewart application <br /> be referred to the Planning Commission and the following be considered: <br />