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46 May 16, 1983 <br /> 1 . The Planning Commission be requested to give consideration as to whether the city <br /> should allow one more residence to use what is essentially a private driveway. <br /> 2. The Planning Commission to cane up with a recommendation as to how we may <br /> guarantee the Charpentier's the integrity of the on-site septic system con- <br /> templated by the applicant. <br /> 3. The Planning Commission to consider whether a restrictive covenant should be <br /> entered on the deed for 7 acres if this applicant is allowed to build another <br /> home, requesting that no more hones or division of land be allowed on 7 acres <br /> until such time as a rezoning is sought and sanitary sewer should become available <br /> to the property. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 8.0 NEW BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Ordinance 179 <br /> Sergeant Richter, Washington County Sheriff's Office, was present and stated that <br /> since October, 1980, we have had 15 reports of liquor law violations, and 8 since <br /> August, 1982. Ordinance 179 allowed for the sale of food after the closing of <br /> liquor at 1 :30 a.m. The sheriff's department has been unable to gain access to <br /> the establishments stating that they have been told they are closed for security <br /> reasons. McAllister stated that the whole point of contention is that the police <br /> have to have access to the buildings. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 191, AN ORDI- <br /> NANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 150 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "LIQUOR, BEER <br /> & WINES" TO REPEAL THAT PORTION ONLY OF ORDINANCE #179 ALLOWING AFTER <br /> HOURS USE OF LICENSED PREMISES FOR RESTAURANT FACILITY. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Let the record show that all liquor license holders were notified of the proposed <br /> ordinance and there were no shows. <br /> 5.6 Roger Dupaul - Site Plan Approval <br /> Mr. Dupaul, who leases the northern portion of the Horton yard, is requesting <br /> authorization to construct a 40 x 40 pole barn for storage and a portion to be used <br /> for office space. Mr. Dupaul agreed to comply with the recommendations of the <br /> Fire Chief regarding fire lanes. <br /> MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Roger <br /> Dupaul for the construction of a 40 x 40 pole building, subject to Mr. <br /> Dupaul adhering to the submitted site plan and the Fire Chief's recommenda- <br /> tions as far as tire stacking and piling. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Let the record show applicant was informed he might be required to obtain a permit <br /> from the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br /> SALARIES - VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> Mayor McAllister stated that he had taken an informal survey of other volunteer <br /> firemen that were present,,a mutual aid meeting held in the fire hall. Hugo was <br />