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55 <br /> June 20, 1983 <br /> 5.4 David Schumann - Renew of Mobile Home Permit <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, to renew the Mobile Home Permit for <br /> David Schumann, 7630 137th Street, under Chapter 40, Article III, Sub- <br /> division B, for a period of 3 months. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.5 Safeway House Movers - Renew of Mobile Home Permit <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, to renew the Mobile Home Permit for <br /> Safeway House Movers, 5885 165th Street, under Chapter 40, Article III, <br /> Subdivision E, for a period of 3 months. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.6 Lee Stewart - Minor Subdivision <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Atkinson seconded, to deny the request of Lee Stewart <br /> for a Minor Subdivision and no refund of the fee application fee ($60.00) . <br /> Application denied until requirements are met (sanitary sewer, city streets, <br /> etc.) . <br /> All Aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.2 Jeff Peterson - Filling of Lot 7, Oakshore Park <br /> Mr. Peterson, owner of the North 135' of Lot 7, would like to fill the lot and sell <br /> as a buildable lot. The original plat was filed in 1967, and Mr. Peterson's lot <br /> was created in 1970. There is an existing 10' drainage easement between the lots <br /> and an additional culvert located on Mr. Peterson's property. He would like to <br /> tap into the larger culvert from his property and use existing easement. Mr. Pe- <br /> terson thought his lot would require approximately 1800 square feet of fill. <br /> Mr. Peterson has already approached Rice Creek Watershed District. They are re- <br /> quiring Mr. Peterson to obtain a letter from the city stating the drainage plan <br /> that would be acceptable to Hugo. Engineer Kuusisto was directed to prepare a <br /> simple plan for Rice Creek in answer to Item 3 of their letter of 6/13/83, and write <br /> them a letter stating how we would like problem to be resolved. Mr. Peterson <br /> was instructed to place himself on the Council agenda after he has received a permit <br /> from the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br /> JER-NEEM SPRING <br /> The owner of Jer-Neen Spring was present looking for an opinion of the Council re- <br /> garding the rezoning of 8 acres from AG to INd, property located at the NE corner <br /> of Highway 61 and County Road 4. He would like to construct a 20,000 square foot <br /> building and employ any where from 50 to 100 people. A rather sophisticated septic <br /> system would be required there because of the high water table, but it was the <br /> general concensus of the Council that that property would be a good location for <br /> that type of use. <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> No discussion. <br />