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1983.09.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1983 CC Minutes
1983.09.21 CC Minutes
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82 <br /> MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> September 21 , 1983 <br /> The meeting was called to order by Mayor McAllister at 7:04 PM. <br /> PRESENT: Peltier, Atkinson, Schwab, Vail, McAllister <br /> Attorney Johnson and Engineer Kuusisto <br /> RICHARD GRANGER - REZONING <br /> Mr. Granger is proposing the rezoning of 50 acres from RRI and SFE to the SFU <br /> district in Section 31 , Bald Eagle Lake area. Let the record that the requirements <br /> of Chapter 320 have been complied with. Planning Commission chairman, Ken Lorch, <br /> was present, and briefed the Council as to what had transpired at the public hearing. <br /> In general, the people present objected to the following: too small of lot size, <br /> homes would be smaller than those existing, too many people and congestion, creation <br /> of more traffic. Mr. Lorch felt that the Comprehensive Plan was agreeable with <br /> the rezoning because of the availability of sanitary sewer. Mr. Granger displayed <br /> an enlarged sketch of the property to be rezoned, and stated that the Comprehensive <br /> Plan calls for that density zoning in that area. He also felt that SFU would be <br /> the best use of this piece of property. <br /> Mayor McAllister took a hand vote of the people present at the meeting, and it <br /> was the general concensus that the majority would not object to one acre lots. Mr. <br /> Markeson presented the Council with a signed document expressing the concerns <br /> of the community if the property to be rezoned, and stated that not all present <br /> were necessarily in favor of one acre lots. <br /> Tim Wright, 12133 Everton felt that the rezoning would alter the lifestyle as it <br /> presently exists, as well decrease the home values. Mr. Granger could not determine <br /> what type of housing would be on the property, but it would be a mixture. McAllister <br /> stated that a variety of housing already exists in that area. <br /> A resident asked whether Mr. Granger was aware of the zoning when he bought the pro- <br /> perty, and he answered affirmatively. <br /> Tony Bloomer, 12471 Ethan Avenue, was concerned that the balance of George Jungblut's <br /> property could be rezoned to smaller lot sizes. He also felt that progress could <br /> not be prevented, and that most people would not object to one acre lots. <br /> Bill Williams, 12550 Europa, stated that if the property were to be rezoned, area <br /> could produce as many as 350 children. It was his opinion that the new area would <br /> have no recreational area for the children and that they would lose their privacy. <br /> Judy Schoeller, 4995 121st Street, stated that the questionnaire submitted in 1979, <br /> relative to the city's Comprehensive Plan, indicated that the people of Hugo wanted <br /> it to remain basically rural in nature. <br /> Mayor McAllister stated that the city would give consideration to possibly making <br /> concessions to the subdivision ordinance in order to accomplish a satisfactory <br /> end for everyone. McAllister advised Mr. Granger that he had three options available <br /> to him that night: ask the Council to table the request for a certain time, re- <br /> quest that the Council take action on the application that night, or withdraw his <br /> application. Let the record show that Mr. Richard Granger requested the Council to <br /> table his application for 90 days so that the Council could have more time to con- <br /> sider the situation. <br />
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