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September 21 , 1983 84 <br /> would like to see some kind of drainage plan to the Egg Lake. Washington County <br /> had no problem with the issuance of a Driveway Permit, and there is a sewer stub <br /> available to the property. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Minor Subdivison <br /> for Marlowe Lindau, subject to submission and completion of a approved <br /> drainage plan, and a Letter of Credit, in the amount of $500.00, acceptable <br /> to the City, guaranteeing the drainage plan. <br /> McAllister and Peltier withdrew their motion. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Minor Subdivision <br /> for Marlowe Lindau, subject to the following conditions being met: <br /> 1. Submission and approval of a drainage plan by the City Engineer. <br /> 2. Satisfactory Letter of Credit, in the amount of $500.00, to guaranty <br /> completion of the approved drainage plan. <br /> 3. No final Building Permit to be issued until the approved plan is <br /> colleted. <br /> 4. The approved plan is to be completed to the satisfaction of City by <br /> November 30, 1983. <br /> McAllister and Peltier withdrew their motion. <br /> Johnson, Kuusisto, and Lindau convened to another room to ironie requirements <br /> needed to approve the Minor Subdivison. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to reintroduce the previous <br /> motion for approval. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> HARRY SHIPARSKI - VARIANCE <br /> Mr. Shiparski, 12122 Everton, would like to construct a 30 x 26 square foot garage <br /> attached to his house. The ordinance allows for a 10' setback, and the proposed <br /> garage would be 6' from the interior lot line. A 4' variance is required. M. <br /> Shiparski submitted letters from Joe Massa, Robert Olson, and Karen Carlson stating <br /> that they have no objections to the plans of Mr. Shiparski. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the variance from 10' to 6' <br /> for Harry Shiparski, 12122 Everton, for the construction of a 30 x 26 <br /> garage. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MISCELLANEOUS <br /> Let the record show that the plans for Janero Avenue, as discussed by the Engineer, <br /> were acceptable to the City Council. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Mayor and Engineer be <br /> authorized to sign the necessary Job Orders for NSP and Northwestern Bell, <br /> as necessary for the Janero Avenue Project. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />