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JANUARY 29 1973 <br /> Mayor Carlson read letters from the White Bear Press and Forest Lake Times asking <br /> to be named official newspaper for the Village. He favored the Forest Lake Times, <br /> but the rest of the Council favored the White Bear Press. Motion made to appoint <br /> Forest Lake Times as official newspaper for the Village. Motion died for lack of a <br /> second. Motion made and seconded to appoint the White Bear Press as official <br /> newspaper for the Village. Carlson opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Chief Gunderson reported that his part time police officers would be unable to <br /> attend BCA School, as the school decided to take only full time officers first <br /> and they are filled up into next Fall. He suggested Council delete Section 5, <br /> Subdivision 39 Paragraph 1 of Resolution # 14, a resolution establishing a police <br /> department for the Village of Hugo, Minnesota, making rules and regulations for <br /> the government of the police department and specifying policies for establishing duties <br /> for members of the police department. Deputy clerk to schedule deletion or amend— <br /> ment of the resolution for January 15th meeting. <br /> Motion made and seconded to authorize Chief Gunderson to get car out of the ditch on <br /> 143rd and Everton Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Carlson then brought up the question of procedures, e.g. handling subdivision, <br /> planning requests, mining applications, etc. Everything should be handled through <br /> the clerk's office. Carlson had with him copies of procedures to follow concerning <br /> the foregoing. Deputy clerk to send copies to Council, the Bldg. Inspector and Attorney <br /> Johnson. They in turn, should give him their recommendations concerning same by <br /> Jany 9, 1973. <br /> Attorney Johnson gave the Council copies of a model ordinance concerning sewer costs <br /> to review, and he suggested several changes which were made before the following <br /> action was taken. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease, to adopt Ordinance #112, <br /> an ordinance establishing sewer service availability and connection charge to pay <br /> reserve capacity costs of Metropolitan Sewer Board.. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to grant Knights of Columbus (Lakeside Building Corp) <br /> licenses to sell odgarettes and non—intoxicating malt liquor for 1973. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to renew temporary mobile home permit for Joe Zaspel, <br /> 17205 Forest Blvd. No, for three months at a cost of $10.00. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk to refund Mr. Zaspels other $30.00 (He paid in advance for the whole year) <br /> Magor Carlson questioned Attorney Johnson about Clyde Rehbein and Johnson feels <br /> Rehbein should be prosecuted. Rehbein didn't have a building permit to begin with, <br /> although he said he thought he had one, and he boldly desregarded the Building <br /> Inspectors stop work order. Also, according to his plans, the footings don't look <br /> deep enough. Mr. Rehbein has to have his building inspected before he can get an <br /> occupancy permit and should be advised of this. Mr. Johnson suggested Tom Crever <br /> send Rehbein a complaint form stating various violations. <br /> Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 12:30 A.M. Motion carried. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Sandra Hanson, Deputy Clerl <br /> 4o� E. Burkard, Clerk <br /> City of Hugo <br />