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JANU GARY 159 1973 <br /> Regarding the Village Sewer System, Mayor Carlson reported the HUD application <br /> has been held up. <br /> Carlson also stated the Planning Commission is not ready to schedule Public Hearings <br /> for Ed Kuntz or Richard Hill as yet. Irene Leroux is to check on finding a secre— <br /> tary for the Planning Commission. <br /> Regarding a 1973 Street and Road Construction Plan, Howard Kuusisto reported the <br /> roads should be checked over in the Spring to get priorities, and then decide on <br /> plans and cost estimates. <br /> Marvin LaValle reported the Fire Department is working on specs for the new fire <br /> equipment. <br /> Motion made by Leroux; seconded by LaValle the Village Council meet to audit the <br /> books on Tuesday, . January 23s at 7:00 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that he had received a letter from Alex Guertin of the <br /> Conservation Department, stating that the Fire Warden System would be discon— <br /> tinued in the very near future. This being the case, the Council' should think <br /> about having a Fire Ordinance for the Village. <br /> The Clerk also reported the Village had received the second half of revenue <br /> sharing, which amounted to $4729.009 the Village had gotten a free check on the <br /> well from McCarthy Well Company, and the Larson Tank Company sent a letter and <br /> contract to inspect and wash out the water tank. The Hugo Businessmen's Association <br /> sent a letter stating they would like it recorded in the minutes that the Village <br /> accepts as their property, the Christmas Lighting Decorations donated by them last <br /> year. Motion made by LaValle,seconded by Leroux to accept donation of the Decorations <br /> from the Hugo Businessmen's Association. Motion carried. <br /> Irene Lerous reported that Senator Jerry Hughes needs the following information <br /> for the Liquor Legislation: <br /> 1. Signed resolution to request Liquor license for Earl Forsblad <br /> 2. Background data such as location, population growth of area, tax base <br /> 3. Copy of letter from county commissioners to Earl Forsblad <br /> 4. Agreement of former Township Board as to the priority of this application <br /> Deputy clerk to retype Resolution #6, Resolution requesting special liquor <br /> legislation and send information listed above to Senator Jerry Hughes and Repre— <br /> sentative Belile. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to send Tom Crever, the Building Inspec— <br /> tor, to the Instiftbe for Building Officials at a rate of $20.00 per day, 9¢ per <br /> mile, and the registration fee of $35.00. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Leroux to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 PM. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Sandra Hansen <br /> Deputy Clerk <br /> Robert <br />