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JANUARY 15► 1973 <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by LaValle to renew Temporary Mobile Home Permit <br /> for Robert MoCloud, $10.00 for the lot quarter of 1973. Motion carried. <br /> Attorney Johnson had sent a letter to Warren Vining regarding his $80.00 delin- <br /> quent bill and as yet had heard no response. Johnson said this bill cannot be <br /> put on Vinings taxes, and suggests the Village take him to court on the Ordinance <br /> Violation. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum, to have Chief Gunderson <br /> investigate to see if Vining is in violation of Oneka Ordinance #8. Proceedings <br /> to be started if necessary. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux that Chief Gunderson have his Police <br /> Radio fixed at Capitol Electronics. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding Norm Horton's need for a Junk Yard License, Attorney Johnson had stent <br /> a letter to Horton's attorney. The deputy clerk sent an application in duplicate <br /> to Horton's attorney, and if there is no response by the week of January 22nd, <br /> deputy clerk to contact him. If he doesn't intend to get the permit, Attorney <br /> Johnson is to be notified. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum, to send Building Inspector to see <br /> Len Noack regarding Special Use and Building Permits. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to recind previous motion. Motion carried. <br /> Street Superintendent Jerry Dube reported that he had checked with three or four <br /> insurance companies regarding medical insurance for himself and Chief Gunderson, <br /> and found American Family Insurance Company had a good plan. Don Lease and broohures <br /> on Blue Cross-MI which the men are to look over. Motion made by Leroux, seconded <br /> by Lease to authorize $250.00 per person per year be spent for medical insurance <br /> for Dube and Gunderson. Motion carried. <br /> Attorney Johnson had with him copies of Mining Permits he had drawn up for Tom <br /> LaValle and Bur-Lar. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle to approve Mining <br /> Permit for Bur-Lar contingent upon their acceptance within 30 days. Motion carried. <br /> Deputy clerk to send signed original and a copy to Bur-Lar. <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Leroux to schedule Public Hearing for Tom <br /> LaValle on February 20th at 8:00 PM. Motion carried. Motion made by Bjorup, seconded <br /> by Leroux that Clerk Notify Andrew Goiffon that he needs a Special Use Permit before <br /> Tom LaValle can get his Mining Permit. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to notify by letter, if there has been <br /> no response by March 19 1973, all operators and owners who are in violation of <br /> the Mining Ordinance. Motion carried. <br /> Jerry Dube reported that the car which was supposed to be removed from a ditoh <br /> in the Village was not removed, as it would cost approximately $200.00 to do so. <br /> H'e also put before the Council his request for $1300.00 for a radio system for <br /> the road grader, truck, and base station. He had gotten stuck in the last snow- <br /> storm in the middle of the night and was unable to contact any help, due to lack <br /> of a radio system. A radio would also help in case of accidents, people stuck, <br /> fires, etc. The Council didn't take any action on the matter, but will give it <br /> some thought. <br /> Clerk Burkard read a letter from Attorney Johnson regarding the recording of <br /> Ordinance #110, the Subdivision Ordinance, with the Washington County Registrar <br /> of Deeds. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle the Village Clerk be <br /> authorized to purchase rubber stamp for clerical processing of Subdivision Ordinance, <br /> and that he send copy of the Ordinance with a certificate to Washington County <br /> Registarar of Deeds. Motion carried. <br />