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1973.02.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.02.05 CC Minutes
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FEBvARY 59 1973 19 <br /> Regarding bonding for the Bdg. Inspector, Clerk Burkard had looked into this, <br /> and found that no liability insurance was available. Attorney Johnson stated that <br /> it is proved by ordinance that the Village must back up the inspector if he's doing <br /> his job properly. Regarding Farm Building Permits, Johnson is going to contact Bill <br /> Schwab as to ordinances in this matter. <br /> Crever reported that the cost for printing 200 each of on-site sewer applications, <br /> on-site sewer permits, building permit applications and building permits would be <br /> $140.00. <br /> Recess was called at 9;30 PM. Meeting called back to order at 10:05 PM. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to authorize Tom Crever to have forms printed <br /> for building and on-site sewer applications and permits at a cost of $140.00. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Mrs. Bayless appeared before Council with her Attorney, Fred Kueppers, and a couple <br /> whose building permit had been denied by Tom Crever because of failing percolation tests. <br /> Mr. Crever stated that the Minnesota Dept. of Health recommends that building permits <br /> be denied for a percolation test with 60 minutes per inch. The percolation tests in- <br /> volved here had more than 60 minutes per inch. Mr. Kueppers wanted to know what system <br /> would be okayed for a building permit. George Rossez, the contractor, said they had a <br /> proposal according to state code. It was decided to table this matter until the February <br /> 20th meeting and in the meantime, the people involved would get together with Tom <br /> Crever to find a possible solution to the problem. <br /> The permit for a junk and Auto Dismantling Yard for Norm Horton was brought up and <br /> Attorney Johnson said this should be taken care of now through the Clerk's office. <br /> Deputy Clerk to notify Horton he is required to pay a fee with his application. <br /> The Deputy Clerk reported that the president of Bur-Lar had been on a long vacation, <br /> and therefore would be unable to comply with the condition of accepting the mining <br /> permit within 30 days, Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to extend Bur-Lar <br /> time to accept mining permit from 30 to 60 days. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding Clyde Rehbein, Attorney Johnson had prepared two complaint forms to be given <br /> to Crever to take care of. <br /> Charles Shubat appeared before Council with an application to provide for Village <br /> Maintenance of a future road. Deputy Clerk to send copy of the application to Engineer <br /> and Bill Schwab. <br /> Mayer Carlson read a letter from John Elli concerning a property dJopute between <br /> himself and Irene and Jim Leroux, Mr. Elli claims there is a village road where <br /> Mr. Leroux claims is his property and where he has been paying taxes. Mr. Leroux <br /> said he would like to have the land surveyed but he will not remove the fences by <br /> March lot as Mr. Elli requests. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to refer problem of Bob Pfaff on 148th Street <br /> to Marvin LaValle. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported he had brought an electric typewriter from Wagers to the office <br /> on a trial basis. He thought their piece of equipment for a price of $254.00 less 10% <br /> discount was a very good buy, considering used electric typerwriters run as high as <br /> $350.00. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to purchase typewriter from Wagers. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard also reported that he had checked into three different copy machines. <br />
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