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1973.02.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.02.05 CC Minutes
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FEBRUARY 59 1973 17 <br /> Irene Leroux reported for the Planning Commission that Jim Houle has consented to be <br /> their secretary. She also said the February Comprehensive Planning Meeting will adver <br /> a Community Facilities Plan, and Zoning Ordinance. The Commission has been working on the <br /> Subdivision Plan Application Checklist, and the Richard Vail request for Subdivision <br /> is to be discussed at the February 20th meeting. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease <br /> to appoint Jim Houle as secretary to the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Don,1ease reported for the Sewer and Water Committee at their last meeting they dis- <br /> cussed responsibilities; construction, ordinances, etc. They also want to have a cost <br /> plan ready along with a comprehensive plan for sewer and water. Mr. Kuusisto reported <br /> that funds have been put aside by HUD and everything looks in good order. <br /> Regarding village maintenance operations, LaValle reported that he had an ordinance <br /> relating to an equipment fund for the Ordinance Committee to look over. An ordinance is <br /> needed to set up a fund to maintain a fire truck, road grader, truck# squad car, tractor <br /> snowplow, etc. Mr. LaValle would like to consult with Howard Kuusisto and Charles Johnson <br /> concerning a Right of Way Map for the village. It was reported the Graham Anderson has <br /> been working on one and LaValle is to see how much money he wants for it. <br /> Ken Granger, the fire chief, reported that his men need keys for the fire hall, and the <br /> portable generator for the jeep needs fLxing. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle <br /> that Fire Chief be authorized to have portable generator fixed. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle and seconded that Chief have ten sets of keys made for the fire <br /> hall. Motion carried. LaValle reported that he's having someone out to check on having <br /> the outside lights on the hall put on a photoelectric system. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum that Chief Granger draw up a mutual aid <br /> contract with Forest Lake Fire Dept. and send to Charles Johnson for review. Motion <br /> carried. Chief Granger also made known the fact that he would like a workshop with <br /> the Council and his men in the future to discuss Firemen Pension Fund. Regarding <br /> specs for the new fire truck, Granger is to have the blueprint corrected and give <br /> the specs to Mr. Johnson for his approval before the next council meeting. Marvin <br /> LaValle pointed out that the Fire Chief is paid only $50.00 per year for his work, <br /> which he thought was not enough. He suggested having a decent salary for the Chief <br /> decided upon by the next meeting. <br /> Police Chief Gunderson reported that he had talked with Mrs. Warren Vining regarding <br /> their delinquent $80.00 Mobile Home Permit Fee, and they intend to pay the amount by <br /> Friday, February 9, 1973. Their trailer has a for sale sign on it and should be moved <br /> shortly. As Gunderson wanted an okay from the Council for his $150.00 per year clothing <br /> -allowance, the following action was taken: Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Bjorum <br /> to pay Chief Gunderson 1973 clothing allowance of $150.00. Motion carried. The Council <br /> also Okayed Gunderson use of the old typewriter, and Clerk Burkard is to notify him <br /> he can take it to Forest Lake for repair at a cost of not more than $25.00. <br /> The next report came from Street Superintendent Jerry Dube, who began by saying he <br /> had attended a meeting in regard to weed control at the USDA Office. He stated there <br /> is a need in our community to adopt stricter weed control in our ordinances. Dube went <br /> on to the subject of a radio system and said he had looked more extensively into the <br /> subject. As far as medical insurance, he's having representatives from American Family <br /> and Mutial of Omaha coming to see him this week. <br /> Clerk Burkard then presented his 1972 Annual Financial Report to the Council for their <br /> appal. Leroux moved and LaValle seconded the motion the Council accept Village Clerk's <br /> 1972 Annual Report. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Tom Crever, the Building Inspecotor, reported that he had gone to the Building Inspectors <br /> School in January. He stated that the Plumbing Inspector Bob Vadnais, would like to go to <br /> a workshop pertaining to on-site sewage disposal systems to be held in February. Motion <br /> made by LaValle, seconded by Bjorum to send Bob Vadnais to the County Sanitary Workshop <br /> February 20-22 and pay him registration fee of $20.009 $20.00 per day and 9¢ a mile. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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