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MARCH 5, 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THC VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: <br /> Carlson, LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum, and Lease present. <br /> Paragraph 79 page 3 of the minutes of Feb. 20th were corwected to read " both parties <br /> involved sending letters of authorization to pay the cost of the feesibility study <br /> to the Village and Attorney". <br /> Minutes approved as corrected. <br /> General claims and water dept. claims were approved after review. <br /> Tom Pogreba appeared before Council with a petition and letter asking that Village <br /> maintain a road between County Rdad 56 and County Road 4. A small portion of road <br /> still has to be built, which would aid in access to 100 land locked acres owned <br /> by a Mr. Stanek. Mr. Pogreba and his neighbor, Mr. Erickson are willing to give <br /> easements in order that this road may be built. Motion made by LaValle, seconded <br /> by Bjorum that road request of Tom Pogreba be referred to Village Attorney and <br /> Engineer for their invetigation. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that his office had received a letter from Forest Lake <br /> School District # 831 requesting financefal assistance in an athletic program. <br /> Lease questioned whether donating was illegal. Attorney Johnson said the Village <br /> has the power to enter intocontmets for the general public welfare, but they <br /> couldn't just donate a specific sum. Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by LaValle <br /> that Clerk send letter to Forest Lake School District #831 informing them we cannot <br /> donate to their program. Motion carried. <br /> A letter was also received from Washington County concerning diposal of deseased <br /> Elia Trees. There was a question as to whether the Village had any place in which <br /> trees could be burned. LaValle is going to check with Charles Swanson of Washington <br /> County concerning this matter. <br /> A letter was received from Columbia Heights regarding setting up of a rate Schedule <br /> for electric power (joint agreement among 30 communities in a 7 county area). <br /> There is to be a meeting concerning the matter on March 15, 1973 in the Civic <br /> Center in Brooklyn Center. Mayor Carlson stated he would try to attend or have <br /> someone else do so. <br /> Richard Vail appeared before Council concerning his subdivision plan. He said the <br /> Planning Commission had failed to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance by not <br /> holding a public hearing 45 days after he filed his application, and then giving <br /> their recommendation to the Council. He said the Planning Commission disapproved the <br /> subdivision because of a five acre requirement which might be included in the new <br /> Comprehensive Plan. Since ther is presently no Comprehensive Plan, Vail wondered <br /> how the Village can enforce something they don't have. Attorney Johnson suggested <br /> that the Council schedule a public hearing for Richard Vail on March 19, 1973, <br /> with the Planning Commission giving their recommendation to Council before that <br /> date. Motion made by Lease and seconded that Council schedule public hearing for <br /> proposed plat for Richard Vail's Evergreen Hills Second Addition, ( the Northerly <br /> fifty (50acres of the West J of the Southeast 4 of Section 22, Township 31 N, <br /> Range 21 W) on Monday, March 19, 1973 at 8:30 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Lease that Clerk inform the Planning Commission <br /> by letter, to have their recommendation for the Vail Subdivision ready for Council <br /> by March 16. Motion carried. <br /> Bob Vadnais, the Village Plumbing Inspector appeared before Council regarding his <br /> recommendations for a well ordinance and well inspection report. He had sample <br /> copies of both of the above for Council to look over. Md said most well drillers <br /> feel that there should be a separate well ordinance. This information was to be <br /> given to the Ordinance Committee for their investigation. <br />