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1973.03.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.03.19 CC Minutes
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City Council
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MARCH 199 1973 <br /> Clerk Burkard stated that his office had a resolution from- the City Council of <br /> Stillwater, to adopt a County Assessor System, and they wanted support of Washington <br /> County Communities. It was the opinion of the Council that they didn't care to support <br /> such a resolution. <br /> In regard to a resolution for Twin Trailers, since the County had sent one in approveing, <br /> the Council took no action. <br /> Pam Bjorum reported for the Ordinance Committee that they are working on a Fire <br /> Ordinance for the Village. She had received a call from Alex Guertin from the Dept. <br /> of Natural Resources, requesting that the Village get an ordinance as soon as possible, <br /> although the State will still issue permits until that time. The Fire Chief stated <br /> that if an Ordinance is put through, a fire permit holders land should be investigated, <br /> and the ordinance strictly enforced. Granger is to put his ideas in written form <br /> and give to the Ordinance CoWittee, <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that he had been contacted by several people in the Village <br /> regarding the problem of four postal areas here. He contacted the Postal Authority <br /> and they will look into the matter and report back. <br /> Attorney Johnson stated he had been unable to contact Norm Horton, as he is out of <br /> town. It was stated that Mr. Horton is to be in attendance at the Planning Commission <br /> meeting of March 20th, Don Lease was of the opinion that Horton should get a license <br /> or else be told to get out. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that his office needing a larger adding machine, as they work <br /> with larger numbers lately. Motion made by Leroux and seconded to purchase a new <br /> adding machine for the Village at a cost of $130.00. Motion carried. <br /> Burkard also requested that the Council send him to Water Operators School. Motion <br /> made by. Tease, seconded by LaValle that Clerk Burkard attend the Water Operators <br /> School in Mpls., April 9-11 at $2.50 per hour, 9¢ a mile, and registration fee of <br /> $30.00. Motion carried. <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson reported that Mike Gibbs had resigned his position as <br /> a part time officer for the Village. This, and the fact that Len Stanton is unavailable <br /> until April is working a hardship on the police department. Gunderson said another <br /> man should be instated as a partime man, and he recommended Don Lelle for the position. <br /> Leroux stated she thought more effort should be brought forth to recruit part time <br /> men; Bjorum stated she would be more willing to accept Gundersons recommendation <br /> now, since she had seen how he was working out. Lease said he would like to discuss <br /> this matter further with the Chief, but wouldn't want to delay a decision. LaValle <br /> said a younger man might be more desireable if the position were to work into a full <br /> time position, but he would also go along with the Chief's recommendation. Motion <br /> made by LaValle, seconded by Bjorum to hire Don Lelle as a part time police officer <br /> for the Village. Carlson, LaValle, Bjorum, Lease for, Leroux opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Gunderson also asked for and received approval from the Council for a tuneup on the <br /> squad car. <br /> The question came up for a recommendation from the Council that the Village Engineer <br /> study and prepare a cost estimate for installation of bituminous paving, concrete <br /> curb and gutter, and storm sewer along with the sewer plan, and prepare an overall <br /> drainage plan for the former Village of Hugo. Lease thought it was going a bit <br /> backward, since the HDD application is already filed. Kuusisto stated it shouldn't <br /> cost too much foraa, study of this nature. Carlson said the assessment for this work <br /> on a 90 foot lot would be approximately $2200.009 payable in 20 years. Motion made by <br /> Lease, seconded by Leroux that Village Council authroize Village Engineer to study <br /> and prepare A cost estimate for installation of bituminous paving, concrete curb and <br /> gutter, and storm sewer along with the present sewer plan, and prepare an overall <br /> drainage plan for the former Village of Hugo. Motion carried. <br />
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