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MARCH 19, 1973 <br /> Regarding the land dispute between Irene Leroux and John Elli, Attorney Johnson <br /> reported he had found evidence that a cartway was established in 1929, but the <br /> documents were never recorded in Washington County Offices until this year. He had <br /> discussed the matter with an Attorney General (Assistant) who had concurred that a <br /> court probably would�reule-,that a cartway had been established. Johnson was of the <br /> opinion that the Village could establish that a cartway was established, assuming <br /> that all of the factors outlined are accurate and could be proved. <br /> Public Hearing opened at 8:00 PM for Lyle Lehner's application for a Mobile Home <br /> Permit. Letter was received from M.E. Commack, 9052 140 th St. No., Hugo, saying <br /> he had no objection to the granting of a permit to Lehner. Hearing closed at 8:10 PM. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to grant a Mobile Home Permit to Lyle <br /> Lehner under Paragraph d, Section II of Oneka Ordinance #8. Motion carried. <br /> Don White and Leon Muellner appeared before Council to request the repair of <br /> Francesca Street by the Hugo School. LaValle said nothing could be done at the <br /> present time, but gravel will be put on the road shortly.. <br /> Clerk Burkard read a letter from the Washington County Highway Department concerning <br /> the application of Calcium Chloride to gravel roads for the purpose of dust control. <br /> This would cost approximately 17¢ per gallon, or about $400.00 for the Old Village <br /> Area, The Highway Dept, would like to be advised by April let if Hugo would like to <br /> participate in this program. Engineer Kuusisto reported that he had checked into <br /> this also, and stated that the chloride does no good if we have a rainy season. <br /> Road oil is actually better, but cannot be worked over. He said a good dust control <br /> is drain oil at a cost of 25¢ per gallon, which can be reworked. Howard suggested <br /> using oil in some of the outlying areas. He was asked by Council to contact Charles <br /> Swanson of the Highway Dept. on Tuesday, March 20th, informing him the Village would <br /> like to participate in the Chloride program. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that he had a phone call from a Mr. Gruett on Ingersoll Avenue, <br /> who was concerned about the surveying going on there. Burkard felt it would be good <br /> public relations to inform the people out there of what is going on. Kuusisto felt <br /> that a public hearing should be held on the improvement of Ingersoll. Motion made <br /> and seconded to authorize Village Attorney and Engineer to work out proposed alignment <br /> for Ingersoll Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> The Clerk reported that he and the Deputy Clerk had attended a conference for Clerks <br /> and Finance Officers in Mpls., on-March 7-9t which concerned itself with topics of <br /> revenue sharing, levy limitations, bookkeeping and budget making. <br /> Regarding the Village Budget, Mayor Carlson stated that the Council would like <br /> quarterly reports from the Clerk on expenditures as compared to the Budget to see <br /> how things are going. <br /> Public Hearing opened at 8:30 PM for application for Subdivision of Land by Richard <br /> Vail to be known as Evergreen Hills Second Addition. As there were no statements <br /> from the audience, the hearing closed at 8:35 PM, Howard Kuusisto stated that some <br /> deficiencies in the preliminary plan had already been corrected. One requirement still <br /> lacking is a plan for a road to the North, or a connection to Homestead Avenue. <br /> Regarding drainage, a couple of ponding areas and dyke systems have been set aside. <br /> LaValle wondered if this drainage system was permanent, and Kuusisto said it was as <br /> conditions now stand. Regarding park land set aside, Vail told the Council it is up <br /> to them if they want park land or money. Mayor Carlson was concerned with the fire <br /> hazzard with so many evergreen trees in that area. The Fire Chief said when people <br /> buy out there, they'll have to be educated to the hazzard. Motion made by LaValle, <br /> seconded by Lease to approve Preliminary Sketch Plan for Subdivision of Evergreen <br /> Hills Second by Richard Vail, with Vail fulfilling conditions and recommendations of <br /> the Village Engineer and County Planning Coordinator, and bringing all information <br /> to the Village Planning Commission. Motion carried. <br />