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APRIL 2, 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO <br /> .a. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: <br /> Carlson, LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum, and Lease present. <br /> Minutes of the meeting of March 19th were approved after review. The general and <br /> water department claims were approved after review. <br /> It was stated that a public notice was not published regarding the April 5th Planning <br /> Commission Public Hearing, therefore it could not be held on that date. The Planning <br /> Commission is to hold a special meeting this week and will at that time, schedule a <br /> new hearing date. <br /> Mayor Carlson reported that he had attended the County Parks and Open Space Program <br /> in March, and it was established the County should have at least three parks; North, <br /> Central, and Southern Washinton County, <br /> Ed Maas appeared before Council to request a Mobile Home Permit for approximately <br /> two months, while he completes building his new home. Carlson said he should see <br /> about getting a building permit before the Council can issue a mobile home permit. <br /> I.C. Rustad appeared before Council. He cannot get a building permit until the Village <br /> completes a road abbutting his property. According to the Metes and Bounds Description, <br /> building permits cannot be issued without road access from the property. According to <br /> Rustad, this property was bought with the sellers verbal committment to furnish a bond <br /> for upgrading of the road. Attorney Johnson and McLaughlin, (owner of property) are <br /> to set up by April 16th, a contract for an acceptable village road to be built. <br /> Ron Jaworski, and Don Marier, Councilmen from Lino Lakes, appeared concerning the <br /> question of whether Hugo would share the cost of black topping Elmcrest Avenue. <br /> The new surface would be put on Elmcrest from County 56 to County 14, with Hugo's <br /> share of the cost being approximately $10,000.00. Howard Kuusisto. is to look into <br /> the matter further, and a decision should be made by June. <br /> Vern Peloquin introduced Fred Reirman to the Council, stating that Fred is interested <br /> in purchasing one acre from Vern, in the area of Xerxes Printing, on Highway 61, <br /> Mr. Reirman presently has a metal fabricating business on land leased from Ken <br /> Tschida in the Industrial Park, and would like to move his business to the new area <br /> as soon as possible. Vern stated that he had already talked with Bill Schwab, and <br /> Vern was told to prepare blueprints of the whole area. It was the Council's opinion <br /> that this project should go through the Planning Commission this week. <br /> Tom Creger appeared before Council concerning having a public road put in where he <br /> had bought two acres from Reynold Arcand. It was noted that Mr. Arcand was selling <br /> land without going through the Subdivision Procedure. Motion made by Lease, seconded <br /> by Leroux that this problem be referred to Bill Schwab and the Planning Commission <br /> for their recommendation subject to a regular subdivision plan. Motion carried. Mayor <br /> Carlson is to contact Schwab. <br /> Pam Bjorum reported for the Ordinance Committee that they held a meeting on March <br /> 29th, and they have a burning ordinance ready for Charlie Johnson's review. They <br /> will meet again on April 12th to prepare other ordinances. <br /> Irene Leroux reported for the Planning Commission that there is to be a public hearing <br /> scheduled for Larry Furlong Subdivision on April 17th. <br /> Motion made by LaValle and seconded that Jim Houle, Planning Commission Secretary <br /> handle public hearing notices for the Commission. LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum, Lease for, <br /> Carlson opposed. Motion carried. Motion made by Bjorum seconded by Leroux that <br /> Planning Commission Secretary send a copy of any public notice to the Clerk's <br /> office for his records. Motion carried. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum <br /> that Clerk's office send a copy of the Council Minutes to the Planning Commission <br /> Secretary as points of information for his records. Motion carried. <br />