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April 21 1973 � <br /> Motion made by Leroux and seconded to send the Hugo Businessmen's Association a <br /> letter of thanks for the new council chairs. Motion carried. <br /> Concerning the Fourth Judicial District Court Lawsuit challenging the Metro SAC <br /> charge, there is a choice of joining the plaintiffs,, defendantsg or actively joining <br /> either side with legal costs involved, Attorney Johnson would like to check further <br /> to see which communities are joining which sides. Mr. Johnson said this is a political <br /> issue alsog and he'd like to know which way of going would be more beneficial to the <br /> Village. Motion made by Carlson„ seconded by Lerouxl, that Village of Hugo join the <br /> City of Brooklyn Center Et Al versus the Metropolitan Council Et Al. Court File # 690532 <br /> as voluntary defendants and that the Village Attorney advise the appropriate attorneys <br /> that the Village does not wish to participate in the costs of the letigation of the case. <br /> Motion carried, Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to table the previous motion <br /> until the April 16th Council meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to renew Mobile Home Permit for David Lindahl under Paragraph <br /> B. Section II of Oneka Ordinance # 8. The Building Inspector stated that Lindahl's <br /> building permit had expiredg and he could have it renewed if Council approved, at <br /> the previous cost. Motion made and seconded to recind previous motion. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Bjorumq seconded by LaValle to have Clerk's office notify Dave Lindahl <br /> he will have to have his building permit renewed before his mobile home permit can <br /> be renewed. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to renew Mobile Home Permit of Joe Zaspel <br /> under Paragraph D9 Section IIS Oneka Ordinance # 8. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux and seconded that Village adopt procedures for the Subdivision <br /> Plans and Platsj, Subdivision Varianceq Rezoningf Special Use Permitf Junk Yard Licenseq <br /> and Mining Permit. Motion carried. <br /> LaValle questioned what was to be done about Tom Perzichilli's request for a Special <br /> Use Permit.-As the Council was advising Vern Peloquin to get on the Planning Commission's <br /> agenda soon! LaValle said the same should be done for Perzichilli, He will advise Per- <br /> zichilli to get on the Planning agenda for the 17th of April. <br /> Motion made by Bjorwmand seconded to approve water service for Joe Malowski at 5941 <br /> Oneka Lake Blvd. Motion carried. <br /> Engineer Howard Kuusisto and Attorney Charles Johnson then each went over their <br /> written reports to Councilt explaining them, <br /> Don Lease brought the question of a Road Committee up for discussion. He said the <br /> Village needs a committee of this nature to decide how road problems should be solved. <br /> Charlie Johnson agreedg saying this would be a very logical way of solving things. <br /> LaValle was of the opinion that the Village Council should establish a policy concern- <br /> ing roads* and then set up a committee to work on road problems when they have some <br /> direction, This idea is to be looked into further. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle that Village Engineer and Attorney give <br /> recommendations to Council regarding Subdivision Ordinance Changes. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux# seconded by LaValle to adjourn at 12:35 AM. Motion carried. <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Clerk <br />