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APRIL 169 1973 , <br /> LaValle reported that the Fire Jeep needed new tires and the following action was <br /> taken: Motion made by Bjoaum, seconded by Lease to purchase flotation tires and rims <br /> for the Fire Jeep at a cost of $265.00. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported his office had received a letter from the County on George <br /> King's relatives wanting to probate his estate. Motion made by Lease and seconded <br /> to notify George King's relatives lawyer that Mr, King's property had been condemned. <br /> All opposed. Motion failed. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported he had received a letter from Richard Birrenback's lawyer, <br /> stating that 148th Street is mislocated, and they want Village Officials to investigate. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to have Clerk's office send Birrenback's <br /> lawyer a letter informing him the Village Engineer is working on the problem and it <br /> should be solved soon. Motion carried. <br /> The Clerk also reported he had received a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control <br /> Agency requesting an inventory be made with Hugo Governmental Boundaries of all sewage <br /> retention systems in watercraft, mobile homes, camper units, etc. He was asked by <br /> the Council to respond to this letter. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Bjorum to invest monies received from Revenue <br /> Sharing for the time teing. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to schedule Public Hearing for the Sanitary Sewer Project <br /> MY 8, 1973, 7:30 PM at the Hugo Elementary School. Motion carried. (See back page to <br /> be made part of official minutes) <br /> Richard Vail appeared before Council to request permission to move heavy trucks on <br /> posted roads on April 17th. He had already discussed the issue with LaValle and the <br /> Engineer and was given permission by the Council, with the request that he notify <br /> Jerry Dube before he takes any action. <br /> Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 12:00 AM. Motion carried. <br /> Robert Ee Burkard, Clerk <br />