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MAY 7, 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO �. 7 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: <br /> Carlson, LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum, and Lease present. <br /> The minutes of the meeting of April 169 1973 were approved as presented. The General <br /> Claims and Water Depaxtment Claims were approved as presented. <br /> Mayor Carlson stated that the James Van Cleves had donated a small Maple tree to the <br /> Village, and the Vlerk had planted it in the park. <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Leroux to approve water service for Don Wenzel at <br /> 5755 Lower 147th St. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum to apprve Northwestern Bell Telephone Job <br /> Order 30941 and EST 6855 Buried Cables. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Lease to authorize Clerk to purchase one dozen water <br /> meters for the Village Water Department. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that he had received a planned use report from the Federal <br /> Government to be filled out and returned by June 20, 1973, as to how the revenue <br /> sharing funds are to be spent. Each council member received a copy of this report <br /> to look over and review for this purpose. <br /> The Clerk also reported that his office had received a card from White Bear Oil Company <br /> regarding burner service at $18.00 per burner. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by <br /> Bjorum to have burners cleaned by White Bear Oil Company. Motion carried. <br /> Norman G. Carlson of Hilarious Company was unable to appear before the Council, but <br /> sent his son regarding approval of his ammended Special Use Permit, which had been <br /> approved by the Planning Commission. Motion made by Car3son, seconded by Bjorum to grant <br /> an ammended Special Use Permit to Norman G. Carlson, 15445 Highway #61 to add 775 square <br /> feet to his existing building. Motion carried. <br /> Vern Peloquin and Fred Rierman appeared concerning Vern's minor subdivision and Fred's <br /> Special Use Permit for a building to be used for a metal fabricating business. Vern <br /> had had his land In question surveyed, a copy of which he showed to the Council, and <br /> he had also had percolation tests taken. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux <br /> to approve Vern Peloquin's minor subdivision for two one—acre parcels on 152nd street, <br /> or that part of the SW4 of the SE-41t Section 17, Township 319 Range 21 in the Village of <br /> Hugo. (See attached) Motion carried. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle to <br /> ammend the previous motion to include a variance for Vern on the blacktop road. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made Leroux, seconded by LaValle to grant a Special Use Permit to Fred Rierman <br /> at 152nd Street for a 40 x 104 building to house a metal fabricating business, subject <br /> to the following conditions found in a letter from the Planning Commission to the <br /> Council: <br /> 1. Provide a metal interior facing on external walls in the shop area to a height <br /> of 10 feet. <br /> 2. Maximum number of employees restricted to 10. <br /> 3. Roof shall ahve an overhangoof at least 18" on the long dimension and at least <br /> 6" on the ends. <br /> 4. Subject to adequate drainage requirements to the satisfaction of the Village <br /> Engineer. <br /> 5. Use restricted to metal fabrication operation. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Gerald Dabe thea appeared before Council regarding approval of a 21 acre building site <br /> for a building permit. He had brought with him a survey and legal description which he <br /> showed to the Council. Motion made by Lease, seconde by Leroux to approve land division <br /> between Tract 9 and Tract 10 of Government Lot 6 e tion d To sh 1 North, Range 21 <br /> West, Washington County, Village of Hugo for Gex�]d Dabe.(S'�e a�ac1A <br />