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MAY 7, 1973 <br /> Motion carried. (907.01 of Subdivision Ordinance) <br /> Ed Maas appeared before Council for approval of a resubdivision of Lot #7 of Herb <br /> Thielbar's property. He had brought a required survey for the Council's review. Motion <br /> made and seconded to approve resubdivision of Lot #7 of Herb Thielbar's property for Ed <br /> Maas in accordance with Paragraph 906.01 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Legal description <br /> is the West 89.29 feet of the West 178.29 feet of the North 209 feet, Lot #7* County <br /> Auditor's Plat. (See attached) Motion carried. <br /> Mrs. Courtney Cutler, 9415 122nd Street, Stillwater* a peered regarding a land division. <br /> They owned 15 acres and are selling 6J, leaving them 8 for which they would like <br /> a building permit. Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Lease to approve land division <br /> for Mrs. Courtney Cutlery and waive Paragraph 210.02 of the Subdivision Ordinance* <br /> so a building permit may be issued. Legal description of the land is 15 A Pt. W i Of <br /> SW-41 of SW4 363121 Being East 460.2 feet. Motion carried. Note: Mrs. Cutler is wing <br /> to have the land surveyed. <br /> Public hearing opened at 8:00 PM for application for a Mobile Home Permit under <br /> Paragraph D, Section II of Oneka Ordinance # 8 for George Miron, 15250 Homestead <br /> Avenue* in the Village of Hugo. The mobile home would house a laborer Mr. Mixon wants <br /> to hire to help with farm work. Marcel Miron, who owns abutting landq stated from <br /> the audience that he has no objection to the mobile home permit being issued. Hearing <br /> closed at 8:07 PM. Motion made by Lerouxt seconded by Lease to grant a Mobile Home <br /> Permit to George Miron! 15250 Homestead Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion was then held by the Council on completed chapters of the Village Code. <br /> LaValle and Lease didn't see why the chapters had to be approved at the present time. <br /> Lease would like to go through them at a special session. Motion made by Carlson, <br /> seconded'by Leroux, to tentatively approve chapters 109 209 40* 50* 90, Article one of <br /> 110, 150* 1601 170, 180* 190, 210* 2309 2401 2509 270* 290, and 310. Carlson, Bjorum! <br /> Leroux for* Lease and LaValle opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Pam Bjorum brought up the question of whether or not gopher bounty should still be <br /> paid. Marvin stated that there is approximately $400.00 in the budget for such payment. <br /> It was noted that a report had not been recived on last year's gopher bounty, and Pam <br /> is to see to it that one is made out. Motion made by Leroux* seconded by LaValle to <br /> adopt Resolution #19: a resolution establishing a bounty on pocket gophers captured <br /> in the Village of Hugo, Minnesota* and authorizing the appointment,:of a bounty pay— <br /> master for receiving claims and paying bounties on pocket gophers and establishing <br /> compensation for the bounty paymaster. Motion carried. <br /> Attorney Johnson had with him copies of a written report on the Uniform Franchise with <br /> NSF Co. which he gave to the Council and explained for their information. He said one <br /> thing the franchise doesn't permit is going underground with power lines. Also, the <br /> Village could not determine what type of pole structures would be used for power lines. <br /> Mayor Carlson stated that not belonging to this rate authority would mean approximately <br /> a 140/6 higher utility rate than the city of St. Paul pays. LaValle stated he thought <br /> this project was a waste of time and money. <br /> Recess called at 9:00 PM. Meeting called back to order at 9:15 PM. <br /> Attorney Johnson reported that Fire Chief Ken Granger and his men had worked on bid <br /> specifications for the new fire equipment* and Johnson brought with him copies of <br /> Notices for Bids which he explained to Council. Granger stated that bids should be <br /> made sp-parate on the chassis* pumping equipment, and tanker to save money. Mr. Johnson <br /> said the warranty clause should be reworked to the benefit of the Village. He recommended <br /> that the Clerk publish the notice of bids and the Council set a time for accepting <br /> bids. Motion made by Carlson* and seconded to approve Fire Department Specifications <br /> and Notice For Bids fdr the Tanker* pumper, and Chassis, and the Council receiving <br /> bids until 7:00 PM on the 18th day of June* 1973. The Village Clerk is to publish <br /> notice.for bids in the official Village newspaper. Motion carried. <br />