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1973.05.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.05.07 CC Minutes
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MAX 'f, 19Y5 " I <br /> Police Chief Gunderson started his report by stating there had been an armed robbery <br /> at Carpenter's Steak House on April 20, 1973. Officers Ted Peltier, Don Lelle, and <br /> Chief Gunderson went to the scene of the crime and disarmed the gunman. Gunderson <br /> had prepared written awards for honorable mention for Mr. Peltier and Mr. Lelle, which <br /> were read aloud and presented to the men by Mayor Carlson. An award was also given <br /> to Mr. James Fisher, private citizen, who left the bar and notified the police of the <br /> crime taking place. <br /> The Chief also reported five arrests had been made in connection with recent burglaries <br /> in the Village. <br /> As the Police Department is to have a bicycle safety class for school children in <br /> the Village, Gunderson asked the Council for an appropriation of $20.00 to have school <br /> safety certificates printed. Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to authorize <br /> Chief Gunderson to spend not more than $20.00 to have certificates printed for the <br /> children. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Leroux to authorize two firemen to attend the 98th <br /> annual Firemens Convention in Detroit Lakes June 7 through 109 1973, at a regidtration <br /> fee of $20.00, $25.00 per day, plus 9¢ per mile. Motion carried. <br /> It was stated by the Fire Chief that there had been some illegal burning going on <br /> at the Norm Horton property. <br /> Engineer Howard Kuusisto then gave his written report to the Council and explained <br /> various items to them such as: Barton Construction Co. Mining Permit is being worked <br /> on, Right of way for Everton Avenue is in the hands of the Village Attorney, and the <br /> engineering report and feasibility study for the Bald Eagle Area is being completed. <br /> Howard also had a list of computations pertaining to quantities and cost of dust control <br /> for Village roads. <br /> Regarding the problem on Foxhill and 148th Street, Howard had called the White Bear <br /> Lake School District and found out that there is a possibility of rerouting school <br /> buses to Freeland Avenue. <br /> The question came up as to whether Dave Lindahl had an expired building permit or not. <br /> The Building Inspector, Tom Crever stated Lindahl had moved his trailer in before <br /> he had gotten a mobile home permit to begin with. He furthermore had not done work <br /> on the building site for 120 days,w•hich is against the building code. Attorney <br /> Johnson read a letter received from Mr. Lindahl, and he agreed with Tom on the matter. <br /> He said Mr. Lindahl is in violation of the building code as well as the mobile home <br /> ordinance. Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by LaYalle to have Deputy Clerk send letter <br /> to Lindahl informing him he is in violation of the building code and mobile home ordinance. <br /> He is requested to appear before the Village Council on May 219 1973. Motion carried. <br /> Street and Road Superintendent Jerry Dube reported that he and the Engineer had <br /> taken a trip over some of the township roads and indicated on a map areas that need <br /> immediate attention. Dube also reported that there are a few problems regarding culverts <br /> which should be aleviated. There is a problem on the Kerry Court Road as heavy trucks <br /> are ruining it. The road should be packed or rolled, as it never was brought up to <br /> standard to begin with. <br /> Mayor Carlson suggested taking Marvin LaValles's time from mad situations and putting <br /> more responsibility on Jerry Dube's shoulders. Lease stated Jerry should be informed <br /> of what is expected of him, and he would like to table the matter for the time being. <br /> Howard Kuusisto reported matters regarding the sewer are in good shape, and the <br /> public hearing will be held on May 89 1973 at 7:30 PM at the Hugo Elementary School. <br /> LaValle wanted to -know if objectors could postpone the project, and Howard said <br /> "no, the decision is up to the Council." <br />
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