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1973.06.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.06.04 CC Minutes
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JUNE 49 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: <br /> Carlson, LaValle, Bjorum, and Lease present. Leroux absent. <br /> The minutes of the meeting of May 21st were approved as presented. <br /> The village general claims were reviewed and a claim for Charles Sibley for $11.50 for <br /> police duty was deleted for the time being. According to Attorney Charles Johnson, Sibley <br /> was not acting for the Village when he appeared in court in 1972 for which he charged a <br /> claim. Claims were then approved. The water department claims were approved after review. <br /> Pam Bjorum mentioned that the Villages' liquor ordinances should be changed as the leg- <br /> islature had changed the age for consumption of liquor. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to grant an On Sale Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor <br /> License to the Hugo Businessmens Association for "Good Neighbor D ays", June 8, 9, and <br /> 10. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to grant White Bear OK Hardware an On Sale <br /> Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor License for June 23 and 24. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to approve a Bottle Club Permit for Forsblad <br /> Investment, Inc. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that Dave Lindahl had sent a check in for $38.75 for renewal of <br /> a building permit. The building inspector stated he knew nothing about the matter, and it <br /> was decided that the Clerk's office should notify Lindahl he is to see Tom Crever to get <br /> an actual permit, and also that he owes $10.00 for another quarter for mobile home permit <br /> renewal. <br /> Lino Lakes Councilmen, Mr. Marier and Mr. Jaworski appeared before Council regarding the <br /> question of blacktopping Elacrest Avenue, Howard Kuusisto stated that a public hearing would <br /> have to be held to ascertain if. the people wanted to be assessed for this project, as the <br /> Village budget does not allow for a $10,000.00 expenditure of this type. LaValle also stated <br /> that there is no money in the budget for this project, Mr. Jaworski stated he thought that <br /> Elacrest should actually be a County Road maintained by the Counties of Anoka and Washington. <br /> He said their Council is meeting shortly with Anoka County officials concerning the matter, <br /> and they would appreciate it if the Hugo Council would do the same with Washington County. <br /> Norm Horton, Mr. Horton Jr. and their Attorney, Stuart Wells appeared regarding their <br /> obtaining a Special Use Permit to operate a junk and auto dismantling yard in the Village. <br /> Dan Spitzer, Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission, had brought a written recommendation <br /> from the commission on the matter, copies of which were given to the Council and discussed in <br /> detail with regard to conditions to be met by Mr. Horton. Conditions included fencing, <br /> tree planting, stacking cars, providing fire lanes between cars, etc. The largest concern <br /> of the Planning Commission was that the autodismantling yard be properly screened from eye- <br /> sight from the highway. LaValle mentioned the fact that he didn't think a galvanized fence <br /> was necessary. He suggested a chain link fence or a similar type. Mr. Horton said they <br /> certainly could look into the cost difference. between chain link type and galvanized steel. <br /> Norm Horton Jr. stated they wanted to be good citizens and comply with the Village's wishes. <br /> Another point brought up was the posting of an $8000.00 bond. Horton Sr. stated he's been <br /> running a yard in the Village for 18 years and was never called before a Council or had <br /> police trouble until he was called before the Hugo Council this past winter. He felt that <br /> by having to obtain a bond he was being regarded as a second class citizen. It was ex- <br /> plained to him that performance type bonds were required in most ventures of this type. <br /> It was also stated that a particular shed on the property should be removed within three <br /> years. Horton Sr. stated the building in question has a good foundation, new roof fire- <br /> proof siding and he will make more repairs so it looks better if it can stay there. It was <br /> decided that Don Lease, Dan Spitzer, and Mr. Horton Jr. would go out to the property on <br /> Saturday, June 9 to look into the matter of screening more fully, and Mr. Horton will <br /> look into the bond situation. <br />
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