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1973.06.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.06.04 CC Minutes
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City Council
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JUNE 49 1973 ' . <br /> Pam Bjorum reported for the Ordinance Committee that their next meeting will be held on <br /> June 7. <br /> Dan Spitzer reported for the Planning Commission that they had a special meeting on May 30 <br /> to discuss zoning. They will also hold a special meeting on June 21 to discuss the same sub- <br /> ject to get a proper zoning ordinance the Village can operate on. <br /> Don Lease reported for the Sewer Committee that a Sanitary Sewer Ordinance had been completed <br /> and shall be reviewed by Attorney Johnson, a copy of the Water Ordinance was given to Clerk <br /> Burkard for his review, and a letter had been sent to the Metro Sewer Board regarding reserve <br /> capactiy of the Forest Lake Interceptor. <br /> Lease reported that a complaint had been received about someone pumping effluent into the <br /> ditch in the Bayless area, but the party involved was not known. <br /> Regarding the Mc Laughlin road, Attorney Johnson stated he thinks the owner will probably <br /> build and maintain a road until the area is built up and the Village can take over. Tom <br /> Crever questioned whether or not he could issue building permits in that area, and he was <br /> to discuss this further with the Attorney. Crever also reported that Bill Schwab had gotten <br /> up to the Bayless Addition and made percolation tests, and the Village would proably get the <br /> results shortly. <br /> Police Chief Gunderson gave his monthly report and stated the squad car will need new rear <br /> tires shortly. Also, a bigger amber light is needed for the car. Ken Granger was asked for <br /> his recommendation on tires, and he stated steel belted radial tires at about $55.00 each <br /> would be the best. Motion made by LaValle and seconded to authorize purchase of four steel <br /> belted radial tires for the squad car, with Police Chief obtaining bids and reoporting <br /> back to Council. Motion carried. Motion made by Lease seconded by LaValle to authorize <br /> Chief to purchase an amber light for the car at a maximun cost of $25.00. Motion carried. <br /> Gunderson reported the police department had a very good turnout for the bycycle safety <br /> class and it was successful. He also stated that a Mr. Herb Davis of Lakewood College <br /> in White Bear questioned whether a student could come into the Village and learn about <br /> police work. This program is funded by the government and the student would be given college <br /> credit for his work. Gunderson said the Village should probably pay the student about; <br /> $10.00 per week of the Village money. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to accept <br /> offer of Herb Davison of Lakewood College for one college student to work for the Hugo <br /> Police Department at a rate of $10.00 per week for the duration of the summer. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> The question was brought up of the fire equipment being kept outside the hall for three <br /> days during "Good Neighbor Days", and the Fire Chief said this would damage the hose if <br /> it rained or there was a heavy dew. The Businessmen want to hold a bingo game inside the <br /> fire hall this year, as the nights are still quite cool. Gene Peltier suggested holding the <br /> bingo in the West end of the hall and roping off the fire equipment, police office and <br /> Village offices. The Fire Chief and Businessmen are to work some solution out, since the <br /> Council stated if anything trouble wise occurs in the hall this year, bingo will never be <br /> held in the hall again. <br /> Recess called at 9:15 PM. Meeting called back to order at 9:35 PM. <br /> Attorney Johnson reported verbally on the following along with his written monthly report: <br /> Regarding John Elli; Mr. Elli wants the fence down and Johnson sent a letter to the Elli <br /> and Leroux lawyers regarding completion of this matter. He will contact Leroux's lawyer: <br /> again to see if John Elli can remove the fence himself where the cartway is located. The <br /> comprehensive plan is being reviewed; the Bur-Lar Mining Permit is being reviewed for amend- <br /> ment to provide crushing. Howard suggests the area for crushing be defined in any amend- <br /> ment. Mayor Carlson felt the Mining Ordinance was violated and Bur-Lar should be shut <br /> down as far as crushing is concerned, fined, and asked to appear before Council. Lease <br /> thought the parties involved should have a chance to know what is required before any fine <br /> being placed on them. Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to have Attorney Johnson <br />
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