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JUNE 49 1973 <br /> Regarding revenue sharing, the Council discussed and worked out the planned use report <br /> for the government, which has to be sent in by June 20th. Motion made by Carlson and <br /> seconded to adopt revenue sharing policy as followa: public safety—$1000.009 environmental <br /> protection—$500.009 public transportation—$2,500 recreation—$250.00, and financial <br /> administration $1,199.00. Motion carried. Motion made by Carlson and seconded to publish <br /> planned use report in the official village newspaper. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding the 1973 road plan, the Engineer and Road Superintendent had worked out a list <br /> of priority projects with cost estimates which the Engineer explained to the Council. Don <br /> Lease stated that work should be done in the Eastern part of the village, instead, af <br /> always in the Western part. Due to the late hour, the Council decided to reconvene the <br /> meeting on Monday June 11 ;and continue the discussion on a road policy. <br /> Motion made and seconded to cash CD#1233 for $1025.16 and CD#2437 for $5000.00. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson and seconded for an adjourned meeting at 12:50 AM. Motion carried. <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Clerk <br /> City of Hugo <br />