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1973.06.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.06.04 CC Minutes
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JUNE 4, 1973 <br /> inform Bur-Lar by letter to stop crushing immediately and to contact the Clerk's <br /> office for an application for amendment to a mining permit. LaValle, Lease for, <br /> Carlson, Bjorum opposed. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to have Attorney <br /> Johnson inform Bur-Lar by letter to stop crushing immediately, to contact the Clerk's <br /> office for an application for amendment to their mining permit, and to have the Police <br /> Department cite Bur-Lar for violation of the ordinance. Carlson, Bjorum for, LaValle <br /> and Lease opposed. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjo--um, inview of violation of <br /> Bur-Lar mining permit, that Attorney Johnson communicate with Bur-Lar, notifying them <br /> to get an amended mining permit. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding the HUD Grant Documents, Resolution #20, a resolution authorizing execution of <br /> grant agreement is on file in the Village Clerk's office, and one complete copy of the <br /> HUD Grant Documents are attached to the minutes of the June 4th Council meeting, also <br /> filed in the Clerk's office. <br /> Regarding Barton Construction Company, Attorney Johnson said a proposal had been sub- <br /> mitted whereby they would sell all of their gravel to the Village, with no permit needed, <br /> or sell part to the Village, and getting a permit. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kuusisto are to <br /> look into this matter--more closely. <br /> A meeting is to be held Wednesday at 1:00 PM at the Hugo Village Hall with the Attorney, <br /> some Council Members, and people from Bald Eagle Industrial Park regarding a road agee- <br /> ment and future sewer in that area. <br /> The request of Tom Pogreba that the Village maintain a road between County # 4 and County <br /> 56 was thought be Lease and LaValle to be denied. LaValle stated that the County might <br /> be interested some time in the future in exteding Jeffery Avenue. Motion made by Lease, <br /> seconded by LaValle to deny road request of Tom Pogreba. Motion carried. Clerk's office <br /> to inform Mr. Pogreba of Council's decision. <br /> Regarding a renewal of mining permit for Fischer Construction Company, Attorney Johnson <br /> will notify Fischer to appear before Council on June 18, 1973. <br /> Along with his written report, Engineer Kuusisto verbally reported that additional right <br /> of ways had been added to the village road plan, the Ingersoll Ave. right of way map is <br /> ready for the Attorney's review, the Barton Construction propsal is being reviewed, and he wil <br /> get dust control quotations from suppliers. <br /> Mayor Carlson had prepared a report on a financial policy for village improvements for dis- <br /> cussion with the Council. He stated a policy had to be adopted by the village regarding <br /> street maintenance and improvements, sanitary sewer, street lighting, and a water system. <br /> LaValle thought street lighting was one thing that shouldn't be paid by special assess- <br /> ment, but storm and sanitary sewer systems and water systems could be. LaValle said in his <br /> estimation improving a road meant blacktopping, and he didn't feel you could have a special <br /> assessment for this. He ,said the village should start blacktopping some of the gravel roads, <br /> and continue with a certain amount each year, as costs to maintain the gravel roads are <br /> extremely high. Pam Bjorum stated she felt there were two different typeset road <br /> improvements; people on a particular road might petition for blacktop and would be willing <br /> to pay special assessment for it, and other roads would have to be improved because of <br /> their increased general usage, which should not be paid through a special assessment. Motion <br /> made by Carlson and seconded that Council adopt as policy that storm and sanitary sewer <br /> and water system costs over and above those of general benefit be paid by special assess- <br /> ment, and street lighting costs in the urban service area be paid by general funds. Carlson, <br /> LaValle, Lease for, Bjorum abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Carlson also had prepared a six year budget which he explained to the Council and asked <br /> them to review. <br />
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